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Scarlet had commed him to meet her at Rieux Tavern for dinner. She almost never ate there unless she was starving and it was her last stop. He couldn't remember the last time they had ate there together. Never maybe. Maybe it was a pregnancy craving. He wasn't really sure how that worked but lately she had been making the weirdest food. 

He pulled up to the tavern and noticed all the people including scarlet were on the far side away from the door. He sniffed again, something wasn't right, normally the tavern was full. He pulled open the front door to see what was going on. A whole bunch of confetti flew everywhere and a whole bunch of people jumped out from behind the bar, a buffet, and tables screaming "HAPPY BIRTHDAY WOLF!"

"Thank you?" He said, was this some weird earth tradition. His birthday wasn't for a few more days. Scarlet smiled and came over.

"What is this?" Wolf asked

"A surprise party" She said it like he should know what it meant.

"Don't tell be there are none on luna, there must be."

"I didn't know tomatoes existed until i came to earth."

'Lunars are crazy." she shook her head.

"I'm going to go find Ém. I think Gills will want to see you, have fun." He watched as she turned her back and disappeared into the crowed. He wasn't much of a person for parties but the food smelt too good to pass up.

He hadn't realized how hungry he was until he had smelt food, his hunger was never really fully satisfied but he was often able to ignore it. He made his way through the crowed but it seemed everyone wanted to talk to him. He was stoped by almost every person he passed to wish him a happy birthday. He just smiled and said thank you and they seemed happy enough to carry on with their conversations. Finally he made it to a huge buffet after a good twenty minutes with all the food he could dream of. He loaded up a plate made up of almost every food he could imagine. He was just starting to eat his pile of food when Gills showed up.

"What do you think? About the party?" 

"Good" he said his mouth half full of food. Good thing Scarlet hadn't seen, she would have had a fit.

"Good, look me and some friends are going to break open the bar. Want to join us?" He couldn't get drunk but it was always a laugh when they did.

"Sure." He followed Gills to the bar. One of gills friends started yelling the second her saw wolf. 

"You know i think it's about time we got Wolf drunk. He's always laughing at us, let's see what happens when he's drunk ." Wolf laughed at this.

"You know it's impossible, nothing you got can change that. Even those bottles you said would make any man at least tipsy."

"Well i got one better this time." He handed Wolf a glass of alcohol. It smelt a little off.

"Where did you get this from?" 

"I went on a trip to San Diego. Man said there was nothing stronger out there. Claimed to have gotten one of your kind drunk after one sip." Wolf cringed at 'your kind' but decided to ignore it. He took one more sniff but it didn't smell poisons so he took a huge sip and set down the bottle. He waited a second but nothing happened.

"Think your man lied, I feel nothing." His facial expression looked generally disappointed.

"Worth a shot." and he picked up the bottle, took sip and passed out cold. Wolf leant down and caught him just in time. Of course this is when scarlet decided to come over.

"Whats going on over here?" He looked from the man passed out in his arms to her.

"One too many drinks." Gills chimed in. Scarlet took one last look at the man and decided not to press further.

"Were going to bring out the cake, we need you to be by the buffet." He set the man down on the floor, there was no better place, and followed starlet. He stood there awkwardly, everyone was looking at him, was there something he was meant to say? Then a chef had come out of the kitchen with a huge cake and the sining began. 

"happy birthdAy To yOu" was he supposed to join in or- "HApPy BiRTHDay To YOU" he didn't know the words. "HaPPY BIRTHDAY TO WOoOLF, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUU." He smiled but was careful to hide his teeth out of habit. 

The cake was set down in front of him and he was handed a knife. As he went to cut the cake he noticed he couldn't tell what flavour it was. Not until it was cut open to reveal chocolate. Normally he could tell scarlet was baking a chocolate cake before he was even close to the house. Must be some smell he didn't pick up very well and really not a chocolate cake. He turned around to ask scarlet and found her right behind him.


"What? What happened?" 

"I umm didn't realize you were there."

"Thats a first." 

"Ya umm what flavour is that cake?" He asked in a rush.

"Chocolate? You should know that."

"I can't smell it. It's just like-." He took a sniff to try and determine what it smelt like when realized he couldn't smell anything. The food from the buffet, the people around him, the grass from outside. What had that idiot given him. 

"What." Scarlet seemed alarmed.

"Never mind." He rushed off to find the guy he had left on the floor. He was gone. Gills where was Gills. Maybe he knew something. He turned in a full circle he had always relied on his senses to find people quickly. The room was starting to feel very small. He didn't recognize anyone, not even the girl with the bright red hair, he should know this stuff. Then out of nowhere he felt happy, very happy, surrounded but smiling people. He looked around for scarlet but not his eyesight was becoming like it was before the operation. Then he realized what was happening and snapped out of his happy trans. He was becoming human again.

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