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Iko was out the hover door in seconds, him close behind. The palace gates were closed and guarded this late at night and they took a second to open enough so that the could get through. He quickly caught his breath. It was times like this he was jealous that Iko never got tired. Before they booked it to the launch pad on top of the palace by the stairs. Both to energize to wait in a elevator.  When they finally arrived the whole crew was there already. 

"What happened to your face?" Thorne commented while they were running  aboard the rampion. He had forgotten about the makeup.

"I'll explain later let's get Kai." 

Thorne and Cress started to takeoff and everyone held on to something secure to the ship. After how long with this ship he still couldn't takeoff very well. 

"Oh I'm not feeling so well. I think I might-" Her puke got all over the floor. Scarlet never got motion sickness. None of them ever did. She ran to the bathroom and Wolf was close behind.

"Who just threw up in my ship!"

"Scarlet, don't make such a big deal about it." Cress said while hitting him in the arm. Thorne pursed his lips but didn't say anything. When they were switched to auto pilot everyone else finally let go and went to check on Scarlet who was now sitting on the bathroom floor with Wolf.

"Are you ok Scarlet-friend?" Winter asked

"Ya I'm going to be fine crazy. It's gone whatever it was." 

"Actually scarlet-friend could we talk somewhere private?"

"Sure." They walked to Scarlets room and closed the door. 

"Well now that we know that she's ok I need to know. Why is your face all done up with makeup?" Ughhhh. Was it that big a deal.

"Long story short Avery's stylist was off duty so she teamed up with Iko to get him to do my hair and makeup."

"Wait like, the singer Avery!?"

"Ya, Kinney got us backstage passes to her concert and now we're like really good friends. Y'all are still my besties though." Iko's eyes turned yellow again. For a while they were switching between orange and light blue. He wasn't sure what that meant.

"WHAT! You have to take me to see her. She's an amazing singer. I love her music. Hey Cress you should become a singer your voice is even better then hers." She blushed slightly.

"Umm, no." She replied. Cress has definitely gained more confidence in these last few years but she was still shy at times.

"Can we please make a plan already." Cinder was getting anxious.

"Yes, what is this lead on Kai anyway?" Wolf asked.

"We found out who took him." Really. They had obviously not intended for them to figure that out. This was making things so much easier.

 "It was Adri, this guy named Ryan and we're assuming Pearl helped to." Adri? Out of all the people her stepmom took Kai. He had met Adri once at the end of the revolution. Levana had done a lot to her. Could she blame that on Cinder? Was that enough to ruin her family's name.

"They has been expecting us to figure out Ryan so he left his chip behind but Adri and Pearl still have theirs installed. Plus there's one other ID On the ship with the name James Smith but he died last year." It seemed suspicious to him that Adri and Pearl didn't take theirs out but it made logical sense.

"Wait so we can track them. So you didn't have to end are date?" Iko asked.

"Well their names will be on TV by now so we only have till they see the wanted ad. It wouldn't matter if they took them out but they have disabled radars like we did so we can sneak up. We can't see them-"

 They could still manage to slip away.

"- so we need to make a plan fast. Any ideas?" 

"Well we could use the rampion plan." Thorne said. 

"Because that plan worked so well the first time." Cinder rolled her eyes at him.

"I'll open the podship dock again though?" Cress asked.

"We have no other way in." Cinder had probably memorized the blueprint of that ship.

"Ok we can get in. What are we expecting once we're in the ship." It amazed him how Jacin could be so practical. When they were both royal guards he had looked up to him. Most guards had even after the same training.

"They will probably fight while locking Kai in a back room." Suggest Wolf.

"So we will have to take them down before we can find him." I said.

"If they don't have linh devices installed I can just make them stand still while we arrest them and get Kai but really what are the chances. Most Royal guard have them by now though the palace still as to order and install a few more, the head of the company, and her daughter."

"So that can be plan A but we need a plan B?" Iko asked.

"Exactly." Cinder said.

"I can fight two people easy, but if they have guns I might not be able to reach them." Wolf was definitely their best weapon.

"Jacin, Scarlet and I could cover you." They were the best with guns here.

"So could I." Thorne said. He wasn't horrible with a gun but we definitely didn't want to shoot wolf.

"You should find the cockpit and fly the ship to earth for backup if something goes wrong. I can get you in and co-pilot." Cress said. The idea made perfect sense.

"Perfect. Let's just make sure we're not forgetting something." Cinder said. Scarlet walked into the room with winter then though.

"We have are plan. We're just going to make sure we weren't forgetting something." Wolf said while moving over so there was room in their circle but she didn't move.

"I need to tell you guys something and I'm going to tell you all this now just incase of... I don't know... something happens." Scarlet took in a deep breath but came back with a determined expression.

"Winter figured out why I've been acting weird and asked me to check. I'm pregnant."      He hadn't been expecting that. He didn't think anyone had been expecting that. Wolf ruched to her side and they started to have a private conversation. Scarlet was going to have a kid. He had always thought it would be cool to have kids of his own. That was one factor about Iko saying not to ask her out. She could never have kids but he was willing to overlook that he'd determined. The room was silent. He just realized that put a hole in their plan. Scarlet wasn't entering that ship she would stay behind with Winter. 

"Well I guess were down a gun." Thorne said.

"Two will work fine." Wolf said. He was the one risking his life so I guess. Cresses port beeped. 

"We're five minutes away."

"Well I guess we take the controls, let's go." Thorne and Scarlet  went to the cockpit while everyone else went to the podship dock. They needed Cress to hack the other ships podship dock open then keep it closed so they didn't die in space. 

"We're taking both pods right?" Cress asked. 

"We won't all fit in one, why?" Cinder said.

"I got a comm saying that Adri bought two ships and they have video of them entering the other one. Same model and everything. This may be a trap." Cress's voice was caked with worry. "They are sending another team to put a tracking device on the other one though. That one can still be seen with radar  but they are waiting to see what happens here before they move in. They don't want to loose it."

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