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He woke up on the floor of the theater. Pearl was hunched over her mom still laying unconscious. He should have made her start to build up a resistance to tranquilizers to but what were the chances they were even still on the ship. Unlikely if they used the long lasting ones but if they were normal. If they were normal they could still could get away with this.

"How long was I out?" Pearl looked up at him.

"Forty-five minutes." She said before returning to her mom. They had used normal ones. There was a chance if he hurried. Luckily this ship was huge, took an hour to walk to the other side. He grabbed the first port he saw, Adri's. Scrambling to open the app. He needed to slow them down. He tapped level three before sprinting down the hall. Not even bothering to bring the port with him. What was he going to do when he got there. He felt around for his gun finding it in his holster. Yes, he could aim it to someones head or something. He ran up the stairs three at a time. He was pretty sure he could her Kai now. He slowed to a stop at the last corner to catch his breath. If he was correct they were just outside the podship dock door. He peered around finding what he had expected. Kai on the floor with his annoying, unappreciative girlfriend hovering over him not sure what to do. He noticed a dart in his leg. A long lasting one would do nothing for him. One of their's wouldn't even put up resistance. He needed to focus. He put his thoughts into Kai.

"Forget about the radar in your wrist, you have no idea what I did during that operation." He didn't need to say it out loud but it always seemed to work better when he did. The only down part to the device was Kai was in so much pain he couldn't do anything to make him move. He moved on to the only other person he could control. Locking his thoughts onto Wolf he moved in. The red head was closest to him. Scarlet he was pretty sure. He would go for both. Trying to go unnoticed he crept down the hallway. Lucky for him everyone had their attention on Kai. He pulled out his gun. Only a few more steps. Whipping his arm around her throat he pulled her back a few steps while pressing the gun to her head. She cried out and everyone froze. Well all except Wolf who he made walk to him and Kai.

"Give me Kai and the reason you found us and I'll let them go." The room stayed silent, nobody moved. Faster, his head was starting to hurt. He pressed the gun harder into Scarlet's head, while making Wolf kneel in front of him. A roaring pain suddenly entered his head. He dropped screaming. He reached up to grab at whatever had done it only getting fist fulls of hair. Make it stop. With that it stopped. He was left whimpering on the ground. The pain was forgotten quickly though. Birds were singing. Healing his head. He started to laugh. Loud, he couldn't stop. He got up and tried to go somewhere. He didn't know where but fell over laughing before he took two steps. His knee bumped into something. Black and shiny. It had an odd shape. Like a flashlight with a stick coming off but with some weird thing in the corner of the two. He picked it up entranced holding it to his face. The weird thing seemed like some sort of trigger. He pulled it and the birds got louder, their song more beautiful before everything went black. 


Cinder knew she had vowed to herself she would never do anything like what she had done to Sybil again but in the panicked moment of choosing Kai or Scarlet and Wolf she hadn't been thinking straight. She didn't have time to contemplate her life choices now though. Kai needed help.

"We're just going to have to carry him." Wolf said. "Maybe we can find something on the rampion." He was right there was no other way.

"Ok." She said. Wolf picked him up and carried him to the pod. He didn't even seem to notice. She couldn't take much more of this. Her head hurt and she was exhausted. They all crammed into the pod meant for five. She wished they had room to lay him down or something but there was no way.

Nobody had talked the whole ride but it had been nowhere close to silent. Maybe if they got far enough away she had thinking but nothing changed even now that they were on the rampion.

"Do you think we will be able to get him to the med bay?" She asked Jacin but she knew the answer was no. Bringing things down would take so much longer.

"No we will need to make a makeshift bed for him down here. Your sure we can't sedate him."

"I already tried." She went up the ladder to grab some blankets and a mattress.

"Hey Cinder to the commonwealth?" Thorne called from the cockpit. She went to join him finding Scarlet and Wolf instead of Cress.

"Ya how close are we?"

"We're over Europe right now. It will take about an hour." That was a long time.

"Can we radio them or something?" She asked.

"Ya just press this button to talk." He pointed to a button while handing it over. She pressed it.

"Hello. Is anyone there?"

"This is new Beijing palace control tower."

"What is the strongest sedative you have at the palace."

"I'm not legally allowed to give out information like that." Did it not tell the person who was talking to them?

"This is Cinder speaking I have found the emperor but I need a strong sedative. He is in a lot of pain." She was yelling by the end. The man must have had a change of heart after that.

"I'll double check. One moment." He took his time. "Looks like it's the same stuff they put tranquilizer darts. Knocks them out instantly." No, no, no, no, no! She needed something stronger.

"Not the palace they don't have anything strong enough and if they don't I don't where else would." She said.

"Do we just need to make him go unconscious?" Wolf asked.

"Yes and please don't say hit him in the head." She didn't think that's what wolf meant but she needed to make it clear that was a last resort.

"What about a suspended animation tank?" Would that work.

"Do you think it would work?"

"Well jacin is smarter with this stuff but I don't see why not." Wolf said.

"Thorne how close are we to the moon?" She asked.

"We're closer to earth but we could be in the outer sectors in just over an hour." She still didn't like the timing but it would have to work.

"You said we're over Europe right?" Scarlet spoke up.

"Ya, why." Thorne looked confused. She was to though. Earth had gotten rid of most suspended animation tanks. They would be lucky to find one anywhere.

"What about the one in my bunker where cinder..." She trailed off but she knew what she had been about to say. It was a perfect plan and by that she meant close.

"I could take us there in fifteen minutes."

"Perfect." She said before leaving the room. To grab what she had come for.

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