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Thorne and the girl at the desk just stared at each other. Normally he would say some sort of flirtatious comment. She forced words out of her mouth before her shyness could take over.

"Umm... hello? We have the luminous antidotes." The girl seemed to snap out of whatever trans she was in. 

"Right." She seemed to press something but Cress couldn't see what.

"Could you start unloading the antidote and transferring it to the hospital pharmacy." Most COO's said some variation of that line when they arrived.

"Cool, we'll leave these here and be on are way." Thorne said and couldn't get into the hall fast enough.

Was the girl that good looking or something? Never run into that problem before. He was acting super strange. She closed the door behind her as she left the room.

"What was that about?" 

"Huh? What? Did something happen?"

"You stared at her for a solid three minutes before I interrupted. Then left that room so fast you'd think you were never there."

"Ummmm." This was not like Thorne. He always knew what to say.

"Ok, this isn't like you. What's going on." 

"We both went to the same school for years. I guess I just froze as the memories came flooding back." 

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Oh no no no no no, I'm fine really. Let's just steer away from old school friends." Odd, she would have thought a reunion would be nice but it definitely didn't bother her. She got to keep him to herself.

"Ok." She pulled him into a kiss. 

"Why don't we go drive around for a bit and I can give you a tour." Thorne asked. They were so close she didn't want to break away but they were in the middle of a hallway.

"Sounds great."

"And are final stop on this week long tour, Hotel del Coronado. As you requested."

"It's beautiful

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"It's beautiful. To think they could build stuff like this in the second era. It's like a smaller American version of kai's palace."  

"Wait till you see the inside. There's even an ice cream shop. That was always the best part of the field trips." She ran inside dragging Thorne behind her by the fingertips. The change of lighting blinded her for a few seconds after being in the bright sun for so long. When her vision cleared it was beautiful. The walls, pillars and second floor balcony were made of a polished wood. Intricate chandeliers hung from the ceiling creating the dim lighting. The rugs were simple diamond shapes with detailed gold flowers blooming from between. Nothing she had seen compared to this. 

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