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Scarlet was glad to see Adri finally be where she belongs. A life sentence serves her right. After everything and Scarlet was barely in any action at all. Adri was lucky, she would have put a bullet in her instead of a flimsy dart. 

They had to go home as soon as possible. The town is throwing Wolf a surprise birthday party. It's been all anyone can talk about for the past two weeks. Cress and Thorne seemed to have urgent business back in San Diego thought so they were glad to drop them off sooner rather then later.

"The rampion is ready to go. You all packed?" Wolf came into their room.

"I'm ready." She had like three pairs of clothes and the basics it hadn't taken her long to pack. Wolf grabbed his bag and she grabbed hers. 

They walked to the rampion without much talking. There wasn't much to talk about and she didn't want to accidentally spoil the surprise. She wasn't much of a party person, nights at home with Wolf was all she needed but she was excited for this. It was the first one she had allowed the town to throw him. For his twenty-fifth birthday.

"Welcome aboard, I'm our ship captain Carswell Throne, were expecting lots of turbulence so buckle up."

"Right, I'll go do that after we get more harness installed into this thing. My ship has more then this." She went to her and Wolfs room which is really Wolfs old room from the revolution to put her bag down. It took just over two hours to get to France.

They talked and laughed over old times. Not something they did very often. She preferred not to remember the horrors that happened. Especially the ones that involved Wolf as a special operative. Whenever she brought up what was so important in San Diego though they quickly changed the subject back. They were hiding something and she wanted to know what but they were obviously not going to share. 

Thorne and Cress were landing which was always interesting. She prepared for the big lurch. She was holding onto the pole she always did at the edge of the room. 

Her stomach twisted, she was going to through up again. An annoying side effect of pregnancy. The baby really didn't like flying. She took the risk of running for the bathroom. As long as they didn't land for a few more seconds she would be fi-. The quick landing through her feet out from under her. She landed on the ground hard but kept moving forward at a crawl then stumbled back up onto her feet. The bathroom was so close. 

She grabbed the toilet just in time with Wolf right behind her. He always came to the rescue to hold her wild hair out of the way. 

Scarlet sat in the bathroom waiting for the second bout. She felt fine now but it always came.

"You ok? You fell pretty hard." Wolf asked.

"I'm fine." The truth was her butt hurt like hell but she didn't feel the need to tell him that. Even if he was her husband. Thorne came on over the comms installed for Iko.

"We have landed at Benoit Farms and Gardens, anyone wishing to get off at this stop has five minutes to do so." 

"oh there's a time limit now, Give us a minute."

"i'm giving you five minutes."

"Thats not what i meant." 

Her stomach twisted again like she had expected. Wolf instinctively grabbed her hair bunching it into a ponytail like thing with flawlessly one hand. He was so gentle it amazed her sometimes. 

Scarlet had just arrived at Rieux Tavern. She left Wolf at home to fix the fence saying she was just going into town to get a few things. She went in the front doors which she almost never did. There was a huge custom banner saying 'Happy 25th Birthday Wolf', that you couldn't miss when you walked in. She stoped and took it all in for a second. The tavern was in total disarray. Tables where pushed in random places, streamers were hung on the ceiling in patches, the kitchen looked like it was a mess. She had asked Torin to send over some food and she was wondering how that went. Probably sent over way to much.

Émilie was hanging streamers with Sophia near the bar which was pink now. She laughed, of course they chose pink. She walked over.

"What can I help with?" She asked.

"Ask Gills, he's got everyone doing something." Sophia answered.

"Gills?! Like the Gills that runs this tavern?" Scarlet couldn't believe that. Gills had not once taken over the party planning in his own tavern. Not for Scarlet's, or Émilie's or anyone's birthdays. Not for Sophia and Quincy's engagement party, or any of Rolands parties, he has never really helped other then to lend the tavern for them to use. Sometimes he refused to supply food. 

"That's what I said when I got here but it's true, he has a clipboard and the whole thing planned out. Can you believe it. He planned wolfs party!!." Émilie winked.

"Well I guess I'll go find him then." She said flabbergasted. Scarlet turned to leave automatically heading for the kitchen.

"He's over there Scarling." She looked back to find Émilie pointing towards her  usual section of the tavern, in the opposite direction she was headed.

"Oh, Thanks Ém." She wanted to get a better look at the buffet, but she could always do that later.

Everyone had Gills surrounded so he wasn't hard to find. 

"Heard you have the whole thing planned." She said as she approached the group.

"You bet he dose. Says it's nothing but I sure haven't seen him do this before." Roland bellowed.

"Shut your big mouth up. I simply don't want you barbarous people to trash the tavern again." Gills was starting to get angry, obviously this was not the first time Roland had teased him.

"Whatever you say party planner." Gills gave Roland the look of death.

"Stop picking on Gills, he just wants to throw a party in his own tavern." She said. "What can I do."

"Sense when do you side with Gills?" Ronald asked.

"Sense he gives me my paycheque." She turned back to Gills.

"You're dam right I do, now your job is to get wolf here when we're ready and help in the kitchens. If you cook half as good as your grandmother then you'll be good to go. She was going to ask how Gills knew how good her grandma's cooking was but decided she didn't want to know the answer and headed for the kitchens.

"What can I do?" She spoke to nobody in particular, they all looked the same no way to tell who was in charge. A man to her left pointed her in the direction of a women that was running around never in the same spot for to long. 

"Excuse m-" The chef moved from her place chopping carrots and moved across the whole kitchen forcing scarlet to chase after her.

"excus-...   Excuse me... Hello... Gills sent me... " Finally they stopped in front of a huge pot of what looked like some sort of vegetable soup. 

"Gills sent me over, what can I do to help?"  

"Nothing the kitchen is full and were almost done." The chef returned to the soup. 

"But, there has to be something." she wasn't sure why she was arguing this, part of the reason she came was not having to cook. Good thing the chef hadn't seemed to hear her. She exited the kitchen to go find something to do and ran straight into Gills.

"Hey, watch it... Oh it's you. I need to talk to the head chef then we should be ready for wolf."

"Good luck."   

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