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Scarlet was really worried. Wolf had been gone for over a month now and there was still no sign of where he went. It was like he just disappeared during the party. Why had she left him there, sitting outside all alone? Something had been off she knew it, so why had she left. The same thoughts were still going through her head after a month. She couldn't shake the feeling it had something to do with her being manipulated. The only time she could remember that feeling was during the revolution. Like her limbs took control and made her go inside. It wasn't possible for her to be manipulated now. She had the implant. She should make sure her device was still intact. Maybe whoever it was that took wolf was the one who manipulated her. There was no way Wolf left of his own free will. Not with her being pregnant. He couldn't leave her now. Especially not today. They had booked this together. In her first ultrasound, she didn't want to do this without Wolf. Part of her was expecting him to come back in after doing his chores any second.

"Scar, Scarlet, hello, earth to Scar." Émily waved her hand in front of Scarlet's face. She had forgotten she was there.

"Sorry, I was just thinking, maybe I should get my device looked at." Nobody would believe that she had been manipulated, there were apparently no lunars in the area.

"Scar, your device is fine, what would have happened to it?"

"That's the thing, I don't know." She felt the need to argue the point. She needed something, a clue to where he was. The detectives were useless.

"Well if it is bothering you you can always ask the doctor." That was a good idea.

"What time is it?" She picked up her port.

"Stars Above, it is already 12:45!! We need to go now."

At 12: 10 they came bursting into the doctor's office.

"Were here." Scarlet panted.

"Name?" asked the android.

"Scarlet Benoit."

"Ultrasound booked for December 8th at 12:00?"

"That's me."

"The doctor is behind he will be with you shortly."

They sat in the only two open chairs. Why are waiting rooms always so busy?

"Well, are you excited, you get to see your kid for the first time." Émily squealed. She wouldn't emit it but she couldn't wait. It just felt weird Wolf not being here.

"All I know is that I really have to pee."

"I bet, that was a lot of water they got you to drink before you came."

"SCARLET." The android called. Émily gave one last squeal and squeezed her arm as they walked to the front again.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Dubois." She reached out her hand.

"Scarlet." She shook it.

"We're in room three. I'll meet you there."

The room was smaller than she had been expecting. She wasn't sure what she had been expecting. There was a screen covering the wall left of the bed and a little handheld device in one corner. There were also a few stools and that was it. She sat on the bed feeling the paper crinkle under her. They sat there in awkward silence.

The doctor came into the room and the energy instantly changed. She was running all over the place turning on the TV, checking the equipment, running back out of the room, and coming back with a tube of something. When the doctor finally sat down and smiled it sent a wave of relief through Scarlet. Like she had been the one running all over the place.

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