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Pearl wasn't so sure how she felt about the whole taking Kai thing. At first she had been so exited to spend as much time with him as she wanted. Apparently she spent to much time with him though so her mom had put rules on it. Only two hours a day. What was she supposed to do though? Hang out with herself? It made her missed Peony and to make things worse she had to spend time with her moms new boyfriend Ryan. She didn't like the man but she could see why her mom did. He was smart and invented things but was also more planed out. Like her dad with no flaws. Well at least in her moms mind. Her dad made things to help people while this mans device he had made for Kai was used to torture. The door to the room opened then closed again. Kai! It didn't count if she isn't use the app to mark it. Did it? She went after him. 

"Where are you going?" He turned around. 

"Would you like something?" He said. Well he had to otherwise she could give him a wrong. Such a stupid word. She wouldn't do that to him though. Ryan wouldn't get the pleasure of using his device because of her. It did come in handy though sometimes.

"Ya we're going to watch a net drama." She turned and walked toward the theater. What should they watch. They could watch her favorite romance. Ya that sounded good. They would need snacks. She turned back around.

"Can you go grab some snacks? Anything that looks good." She smiled at him.

"Of course." He smiled back at her but it was more of an annoyed smile before he walked in the other direction. Not the smile she had seen Cinder swoon over at the market. She had watched them briefly before she approached but couldn't quite figure out who she had been talking to. What boy should want to talk to her. Kai had not been who she was expecting. How he had fallen in love with a lowly cyborg to begin with amazed her. He was a prince at least take someone a little less embarrassing. Maybe somehow he knew who she was even if he always claimed he didn't at the time. Whatever she was glad to end that at least. Taking revenge on Cinder did feel good. No matter how lonely she got. She opened the door to the theater and saw Adri and Ryan in there. They didn't seem to be watching anything though. 

"Could I use the TV." She said it but it wasn't a question.

"Yes Pearl." Her mom said. They walked out holding hands. She glared at their backs. This ship wasn't big enough to stay away from them. Her mom hadn't left his side sense he got back from wherever he went. She turned back to the screen. 

"Pull up Pearls favorited romances." It was the first one that popped up. Now she just had to wait for Kai. How close was he? She grabbed her port to check. On his way with snacks. She should have told him to make sure he brings the chocolate bites. He was taking his time and she was already bored of waiting. 

"Play movie." She got comfy on a chair with a drink dispenser front row. Kai came in a few minutes after she had started it. He handed her a try and went to leave.

"Your watching to. This is one of my favorites." She had said we're hadn't she? 

"I can't watch a drama with you. Your mom would kill me." Not if she used her two hours. She pulled out her port and assigned him to her. It made him wince but there was no way to avoid it.

"Now come watch." He sat down on the complete other side of the theater. This made her want to laugh. He would need to be closer to her port otherwise that device wasn't going to stop. He would find that out around... he winced, now.

"Your going to have to sit closer then that." What if she. She moved her port so only the front row was in the area to make it stop. Now he would have no choice.

"Come sit front with me." He would come to realize she was better then Cinder. Maybe on day they would get married and she could rub it in Cinders face. Everyone would forget about her, she could return to earth with her mom and blame everything on Ryan. One day. He came and sat beside her this time but at a respectable distance. It would due for now. They sat and watched the net drama in silence. She had never thought it was that sad but Kai was crying by the end of it.

"What'd you think?" She asked.

"It was so sad. How they went through so much but never ended up together." His tears started to dry up.

"Ya but the time they did have together was so romantic." She checked her port. Still another thirty minutes with him. Yay. 

"Come on let's go do something else. We have thirty more minutes." She was starting to get exited. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. 

"As long as there's no cleaning involved." She laughed but she had no idea if it was or wasn't a joke.

"Come on I got the best idea." She was pretty sure there was a spa somewhere on this ship. She had no idea where anything was on this ship it was so big. 

"Lead the way." He said but she had no clue. She was surprised she hadn't gone looking for it yet.

"Do you know where the spa is?" 

"You don't know where the spa is?" He let out a quick chuckle and hopefully started leading them to the spa. They passed a whole bunch of rooms with unknown purposes. Well she knew that one led to the podship dock but that was about it. She was pretty sure Kai was leading them to the elevator. One of the only things she knew how to find along with her room and the theater. Everything else she guessed. Adri and Ryan came barreling down the hallway. That didn't seem good. 

"You and Kai lock yourselves in your room." Adri said in a rush.

"What's happening?!" Please say nobody had found them. She didn't want to go to jail. Her whole life would be ruined. Just then Commonweal Military burst through the door. No she's jinxed it. She grabbed Kai's had and started to run but he didn't move. Of course he didn't. The military was getting closer. What should she do! She panicked.

"Kai you have to come or I'll... I'll..." She didn't know. "I'll put that device on level three and it won't stop till they remove it." It came out harsher then she'd expected but seemed to work. His eyes grew bigger. He looked back once before coming with her. Thank goodness. 

The elevator closed just before anyone could reach them. They wouldn't risk shooting the emperor. She was lucky and out of breath but she ran out the door still holding Kai's hand the second it opened. When they arrived at her room. She entered and quickly locked the door behind them. What had just happened. Why was the military here. Hadn't Ryan the evil genius said they were invisible. That they had a plan for if this happened. Maybe she should have surrendered, but then she would have spent the rest of her live in prison. No she did the right thing but she felt bad. She owed him an apology. Apologizing was for the weak though.

"To bad about the spa." She said trying to lighten the mood.

"To bad." He went and sat on a chair looking board. Why didn't he care that his military was on the ship. 

"You don't seem to upset."

"About the spa, very upset." She had never imagined him as sarcastic.

"About the military being on this ship and you being locked in a room where they can't get to you."

"Ryan would have no problem controlling them. They didn't send a single android. I thought I fixed this problem." 

"Huh?" Control them?

"I enforced a rule where all task forces need at least two androids incase of a lunar." She remembered him doing that around the revolution but why would that matter. None of them were lunar.


"So Ryan's Lunar." He looked like he was explaining this to a child but it was news to her.

"No, Ryan's Canadian." He had been visiting new Beijing when him and her mom met at the market. Then they started dating and soon later Kai and Cinders wedding was announced. Then she met him so they could plan.

"He's manipulated me many times. He is definitely lunar. Your mom says thaumaturge level." Her mom knew to. What is she the only one that didn't know. She flew out the door not bothering to close it, she needed real answers.

"Wait." Kai called from behind her. What did he want.


"I didn't tell you." She knew enough to not tell her mom Kai had told her. She turned and kept running.

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