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Kinney still couldn't believe he had done it. Asked out an android. He had had a crush on Iko ever sense she moved to Luna. It was so easy to forget she wasn't human. Even if he couldn't sense her with the gift.  He hadn't wanted to  emit to it at first. Two years ago he hadn't even known escort droids existed. It wasn't normal for a human to like a android but after he had excepted that he did he found himself looking at her all the time instead of avoiding her. Then he started to notice her eyes would turn pink when she was in the same room as him. A quick search told him it meant she was in love and that it was a rare emotion for androids. Iko walked into the palace's grand entrance right then. Her eyes bright pink. She was wearing a dark blue dress that came to her knees. It was beautiful.

"You look amazing

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"You look amazing." That was a understatement.

"Thank you. You look amazing to."

"Shall we go?" He was surprising her with where they were going but he was pretty sure she was going to like it.

"Yes, I cant wait. You have to tell me where we're going. It better not be a restaurant though."

"I can't ruin the surprise but don't worry I've already ate." He held out his arm and started leading her to the hover parked out fount. They climed in and it started speaking to them.

"Where would you like me to take you?" Said a mock male voice that sounded more robotic then a robot voice.

"174 Lianhuachi E road." The hover lifted up and started to drive. Her eyes lit up. She had searched where they were going. To her favorite singers concert but what she didn't know was that he had gotten back stage tickets. 

"You know me so well. I lover her so much!! She's amazing!!! Thank you thank you thank you." Her eyes were now bright yellow. Happy. It made him happy to see her like this and he couldn't wait to tell her about going back stage. He would let the person scanning tickets do that though.

They talked the whole hover ride to the concert. Until the hover rudely interrupted them.

"Arrived at destination. Please pay before exiting." He waved his wrist over the machine. He had to emit that the ID chip system earth used and that had been recently added to Luna was genius. They got out of the hover and into the lineup to enter the building. It was almost their turn and he was getting exited. The people in fount of them scanned their wrists and it was there turn. He scanned his wrist over the scanner a guard was holding.

"Please wait here well I comm someone to escort you backstage."

"Backstage! You got backstage passes! I'm going to meet Avery! Your the best, you thought of everything." How she could be so happy astonished him but made him feel happy to.

"Well I figured if your like her #1 fan I have to meet her." Someone walked up to them.

"I'm here to escort you backstage." Iko squealed.

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