Jacin was watching for any ships in the distance. They should be arriving soon. They were on their to find kai. He had been missing for no more then seven hours and they were already getting close to finding him. Jacin wasn't to worried. Kai's captors has obviously not thought their whole plan through. Taking the rampion 11.3 then taking the podships to escape. Seven hours wasn't a long time to keep someone captive.  

"We should go over the plan one last time." Cinder said even though she had hammered it into their heads over and over again. 

"We all know the plan. Get in, separate into are groups, find kai, get out. Jacin and Kinney are flying the ships." If Thorne had memorized the plan they were going to be fine.

"We might not need the plan. We should be able to see the ship by now. Where are these podships?" Cress was looking at her port.

Doing a quick survey of the surrounding space he saw two small dots not far away. So maybe these people were smarter then he gave them credit for. 

"There just flouting in space." I responded to the question.

"My pod ships are just floating around in space! Do these people care about ships at all?" Thorne couldn't go a minute without blurting something about him or his precious ship.

"How do you get ships back that are just floating in space? Can you just scoop them up." Winter was confused but somehow she looked cute doing it. He smiled.

"You could but it's nearly impossible between getting it lined up and hoping the pod doesn't turn randomly in space." He knew there was only one way to get them back but that didn't mean he had to like it.

"Wait dose that mean we have to go out there?" Cinder wasn't in love with this idea either.

"I don't think the ship has any spacesuits though." Thorne said. Why was he looking so disappointed. Did he care for some podships that much?

"There's three in the engine room. I found them, while fixing something a while back." Ha! Thorne didn't know where something was on his own ship and Cinder did but     "Are they really that important."   He didn't see why they couldn't just use the other rampions podships if necessary. 

"Oh they're important. We used them during the revolution. Museums will be bidding over them in a few years." Thorne, so attached to his ship especially if there's money involved. 

"What about the 12.1's podships? Can't we use those and pretend they're the ones we used." Iko said.

"Clearly you know nothing about ships. They'll know and we're ditching that 12.1 now that I got my ship back." Uggghhhhhh. Why were they ditching a new ship for a old one.

"Fine but you can go get a pod. I'll prepare your suit." Cinder finished before stomping away. Did she just agree to leaving the new ship behind? 

Somehow they had all managed to fit the small area around the ladder. Cinder was helping Thorne put on a spacesuit just inside the podship dock. It was more complicated then it seemed. He had done a lesson on it during pilot training though it had been a simulator and not in actual space. When Thorne was all dressed Cinder started to get into the other suit she'd grabbed. 

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Someone has to get the other pod." Cinder replied clearly annoyed.

"You can't even fly a ship. How do you think your going to dock it."

"I'll figure it out. Can't be that hard." What was Cinder thinking! She had no idea. The chances of her crashing and damaging the ship could kill them all. He really didn't want to go out there but there was no choice.

"I'll go. If you crash it could kill us all. I wouldn't let Thorne go but he's the reason we're in this mess."

"You'll all thank me one day."

Cinder *rolls eyes* "I doubt it."  She handed him her suit. She didn't take very much convincing.

When Thorne and him were both suited up cress gave them a run down on what was going to happen. 

"You guy will be connected to those cords Cinder's attaching over there. You'll use them to move your space suit while in space. Once you reach the pods you will have to manually open them. You should be able to find the lever easily. When the door opens a vacuum will create and you will have to get through. Because the pod will continue to pump air into the space the vacuum won't stop till you close the door. You will have to disconnect from the cord though before so the door can fully close. Hold on tight and become small so your not sucked out. If you stand straight up and disconnect from the cords about 1000 pounds will be trying to push you out to space and we all know who would win that fight. Don't take your helmets off till your in the rampion incase there's not enough recycled air left for you to breathe in the pod. Got it?" 

He and Thorne already knew all of this. Well he assumed that academy Thorne was in would have taught him about how to work a spacesuit in an emergency before they taught him how to fly but with Thorne who knows if he was even listening. Probably not. 

"The cords are attached and secure to the wall. I need to attach them to you guys then we're good to go." Cinder came from behind where she had been working.

While Cinder was securing the cords to his back the built in screen was informing him that new controls were being detected. He just wanted to get this over with.


"Done. You guys ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." Thorne replied

"Good enough for me." She walked out. 

Thirty seconds later the ramp started to lower.

Once he was out in space he started to guide the suit forward. This was the easy part. The suit wasn't fast which he wouldn't have minded but it was super hot and making him a little claustrophobic even in the middle of outer space. The pod was just in fount of him now so he maneuvered around to the pilot side to find the manual leaver. It was hidden in a compartment beside the door meant to look invisible unless in space. He yanked it down and the door whooshed open. He could feel a slight pull on the suit but the cords allowed him to pass through easily. Now was the question where to hold onto. He wasn't going to underestimate the force of this vacuum. For all he new it was a wall. He needed his hands to unattach the cables connecting him to the ship and then close the door fast so he wedged his feet under the seats and while holding on with one hand he used the other to press the button that would send the cables flying back to the ship. 

"I love you winter." 

Then he pressed it. The force was an invisible wall and he wasn't even feeling it full force. He held onto the chair for dear life trying to become smaller. Close door was laughing up at him from his spot behind the chair. He just needed to reach it. He let go with one arm and it snapped toward the door but he managed to pull it back toward the controls. He thought the force might be shrinking but maybe it was his mind playing games. His fingers grazed the button and the door snapped closed. He fell to the ground with the sudden change of gravity exhausted but was quickly back up and piloting the ship back. Thorne was a little slower but was behind him a minute later. His fingers danced the familiar controls leading the pod back to the rampion 11.3 where he docked and waited for Thorne to join him so they could exit into the ship and he could get this awful suit off him.  

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