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His senses were weakening, becoming blurred until he had no clue what he was smelling or hearing anymore. The room seemed to become all pixelated. Had this been what it was like when he was little. It seemed so long ago now, when he had been at home with his mom and dad, waiting for them to take him. When his lunar gift had been taken from him.

What if his lunar gift had come back, no that couldn't be possible, cinder had said it wasn't possible. She had also said it wasn't possible for him to become human again. Maybe she meant the physical modifications, why wouldn't she tell him then. He closed his eyes and attempted to use his lunar gift, it came to him like he had never forgotten. He could feel the people in the room. He wanted it to feel weird, foreign. Like something that wasn't meant to be there but it was like a sixth sense he had always had. This shouldn't be possible. His breathing quickened as the world started spinning again.

Why was this happening, what was happening, has Cinder been lying to him, would he be able to get his senses back, will it wear off, was he stuck looking like a wolf still? He needed answers and he couldn't find them here. Running to the nearest exit he made everybody get out of his way.

Greedily taking in the fresh air he sat down his back against the wall. Calming his breathing he tried to make sense of what was happening. Was it the alcohol or something else? It could have been the food. Or. Or. He couldn't think of anything else. He collapsed his head into his hands. What was he supposed to do? He had always wished he could become human again, but this wasn't what he meant. He had meant, what had he meant. This? He hadn't realized how much he used his wolf senses. They had become such a big apart of his life. He wanted them back, he would never complain again, he didn't need his gift, it was useless. Who cares if Cinder was lying. He needed his senses.

He jumped when he felt a hand touch his arm. It was weird how he could no longer tell when someone was there. He looked up to find Scarlet.

"Is everything ok?" She sounded very concerned. No he thought.

"Yes, I'm fine I just needed some air." He had tried to make it seem like it was just that simple. She didn't seem convinced.

"If something is wrong you can tell me."

"I know." He wasn't sure what was wrong himself, she would think he was going crazy. Then the thought occurred to him. He could make her go inside, make her think that he was perfectly fine. The idea was very appealing. She had no idea that he even had his gift back.

He closed his eyes and carefully so she wouldn't notice made her believe that he was fine, and that he was going in right behind her when she went inside. Then made her stand up and go back inside. Once again he was all alone. He couldn't go back in there, he could run home. Go to bed and hope that this was better in the morning. Ya that seemed best. He got to his feet and started running. Just as he was reaching the edge of town he was forced to stop. He was tired, panting from running for so long. He was really missing being part wolf. This was really weird.

He felt someone coming around the corner he was resting by. Who wasn't at the party? Most of the shops were closed on this side of town. He decided to wait and see who it was.

A man came around the corner that he had never seen before. There was nothing odd about the man other then that he was wearing a fancy suit, who would wear such a thing here.

"Ze'ev Kesley?" How did this man know his real name?


"Come with me we have important things to discuss." The man turned around and walked back the way he came. Did he really think he was going to follow?

The man stoped and turned around.

"I have the answers you want." Once again he kept walking. How could this man know.

"What answers?"

"I know what happened to your senses." The man was getting farther away now. He would be forced to make a turn soon. Wolf wanted to know what this man knew, if he knew anything, but what if he was lying. He wasn't sure what made him do it but he followed the man. He was bigger and trained in fighting. The guy didn't stand a chance, and he needed answers.

He ran to catch up and walk beside the man.

"Smart choice, I have a ship a few blocks away. We're going on a trip." The man said it so matter of factly there was no need to question why.

By a few blocks away this man meant the whole other side of town. Wolf was dying, he needed water after that walk. How was the man still walking. He caved in.

"Can we take a break? There is a cafe right here. We can sit down."

"Of course."

They went into the small cafe and ordered some water. The tables were all mismatched kind of like at the tavern but somehow they all went together and it made sense.
The tavern, the party, how had he forgotten, Scarlet didn't know what he was doing. Should he send her a comm? The man had said they were going on a trip. She's probably mad at me though. For manipulating her. Why would he do that? She would never want to talk to him again. Would she let him see their children? No, and even if she did forgive him he would need to protect them. He needed his senses back. How would his fighting be without them? Did he use them in fights? He needed this man to give him answers.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes." He got up and followed the man, he could comm scarlet later if needed.

The mans ship was small, definitely meant for space but not for very long, just to get places quickly. Wolf entered, it was bigger on the inside. He could see three doors, the cockpit and he was in a living area with a mini kitchen and a couch.

"You room is the middle door. You should go get yourself comfortable." Wolf nodded in reply.

He opened the door to find someone there waiting for him. Before he could think the person jabbed something into his torso. He looked up to get a good look at him and found it was a women. They locked eyes. Then things started to go blurry. He felt really tired. What had she put in him? He tried to fight it but it was taking over. He needed to lay down. And then everything went black.

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