It was only him and Torin left in the room. Thorne, wolf and jacin had just left for the pre ceremony to learn of everything in the ceremony's meaning and significants. Which almost seemed better then staying here with all his worries. Almost. He paced to the window and back again and again. Trying stay a step ahead of his worries though he new from Levana it never worked. 

"Nothing's gone wrong? We're still scheduled for the original time?"

"Yes, yes, I'm sure a comm would have been sent if it wasn't." 

"Right." He tried to calm down and sit but he couldn't so he started pacing again. 

"Shouldn't I have been called down yet?"

"I can comm the coordinator if that would make you feel better."

"Ya do that." Why was he so nervous this was cinder. Maybe that was why. Torin's brows knit.

"What, what's wrong."

"It appears I can't sent a comm your majesty."    

"What do you mean."

"The comm won't go through." No no no. This must be some sort of   malfunction right. That's all it was.

The door whipped opened. They must have forgotten to lock it. Torin was usually on top of that.

"Is everything ok. Why arn't-" he stopped when a dart ran past him lodging itself onto torins chest. Torin fell unconscious right away. Kai was there in an instant checking for a pulse. When he found one he let out a relived sigh and turned toward the door but out of all the people he had expected to see it was not linh Adri.

"what..."I stuttered unsure of how to react. He hated this women for everything she'd done to cinder. She was banned from the palace on his order so how-

"Long lasting tranquilizer dart, he'll be fine but  you're coming with me" Adri said cutting off his train of thought. 

He couldn't speak, he was finally about to have a lifetime with cinder. This wasn't going to happen again to him in his own palace. Adri wasn't going to change that. He quickly looked around for an exit but he knew she blocked the only one. 

Seeing his panic rising she aimed the gun at him grinning .

"You will walk with me to the ship, if you attempt to run away or get help you will be shot with a  tranquilizer dart and I will carry you there. Understand?" the truth was he didn't. Why was she doing this to him but he nodded and walked out the door at her command anyway trying to come up with a plan.

They had been walking for no more then a minute. He knew she had the upper hand but she hadn't thought her speech through. He didn't care if he was conscious or not, as long as she was caught. He could only hope someone found her while she was attempting to drag him through the palace. Some gards must be looking for him by now. At the next turnoff they passed he broke  into a sprint and screamed for help. Trying to draw attention and hoping someone was close enough to hear him. The dart hit him seconds after his outburst and he fell unconscious to the ground.


Adri was hoping that he wouldn't have seen that loophole in her speech but she didn't really have a way to stop it so she planed for it to happen. She picked him up and started dragging him through the halls to an elevator. She was finally getting her happy ending. She was engaged to a lovely man named Ryan and though it would never make up for peony, cinder would know how she's felt all these years without her husband and if she ever had a child her daughter to. After becoming royalty she never once contacted her. She just forgot she existed and went on with her perfect life. Well now it was her turn. She had cared for her, given her a home when nobody would, so she would show that ungrateful child what she had gone through starting with taking her love. It made her sick to watch them profess their love on the net-feeds. And this way she wouldn't be queen or empress. 

"You need a hand mom?"

"Please. How'd it go?" Pearl grabbed kai's feet before replying.

"Good I tripped ten alarms before Ryan turned them off." She seemed so proud of herself. She was definitely looking forward to her time with the prince.

"Good job hunny." She was surprised at the lack of guards on the floor. She clearly had done her job well.

They arrived at the ship. Parked right next to the rampion on the roof. Ryan was already there. But he hadn't opend the ramp yet. Instead he was doing something to the rampion.

"Why isn't the ramp down? You were supposed to have the ship ready to go."

"I know, I know, the engine wouldn't start I've been trying to open the rampion."

"Well hurry up he's heavy." She did it care what ship they got away in but one wrong move and their plan would fall apart.

"Done." The ramp started to lower. Thank goodness.

Ryan jumped in as soon as it was low enough to start the engine them not far behind. As soon as the ramp closed behind them he took off and they were long gone.

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