Wolf was looking through the crates with Thorne when he herd the net screen power on. He turned around to find Kai, still in his wedding finery,  sitting cuffed on the floor. He froze speechless, but Thorne found his voice.

"Guys, you should probably get in here."

"Did you find him!" Cinder came barreling out from a nearby room.

"Kinda." I said. Her face melted into horror when she saw the screen. 

The whole crew was in front of the screen within seconds.

"I'm ok." Kai said "A-" he barely got the first letter out before he was laying on the ground screaming. Wolf froze once again suddenly wanting to rip out the throat of whoever was doing that to him. It had been a while sense he had had that instinct.

"STOP, what do you want, who are you." Cinder was freaking out. Kai stoped screaming but was now sobbing uncontrollably. He had never seen him like that. Kai was always so confident. Even during the revolution when everything had fallen apart in his life he had shown confidence. 

"We want you to know what we're doing to him and that you can do nothing to stop it." A mans voice said before the screen went black.

He knew what Cinder was going through.Though nobody had just said it out like that. When Scarlet had been kidnaped by Sybil he had been devastated, he had gone crazy. Starting at walls, morning with a can of tomato's, laying in her bed crying. At first he had curled up in a ball and cinder had had to manipulate him to get him to move. The worst part was to know they were being tortured, and not being able to do anything at all.  

"Cress can you trace the call?" Cinder was already making plans to get him back. Trying to hide any anxiety.

"I'm trying." He hadn't noticed her attach her port to the screen. She probably had when she entered the room and saw kai.

"Dose anyone see a direct communication chip? There's been no comm through the net." Cress was way to smart. He would never have thought of some of the stuff she did.

Cinder was looking for one the second she suggested it. 

"Umm... I think..." she pulled something out of the screen. "ya there is. Dose that mean you can't..." she trailed off.

"Sorry Cinder, they're untraceable." She started taking deep breaths.

Scarlet leaned into him then and he leaned back. He never wanted to lose her again. This whole mess reminded him of how much he loved her every second of the day. He was going to make sure he would never lose her again. Turning he leaned over and kissed her trying to show her how much he loved her. When they broke apart she was crying. She was trying really hard not to but the tears were coming.

"Are you ok?" She never cried.

"I love you so much." Everyone was looking but he didn't really care.

"I love you to Scar." He hugged her tight against his chest and her tears all came out. Winter came in from the other side sandwiching Scarlet in the middle. Iko then Cress joined soon after and before he knew it they were all in one big hug around scarlet, he held her tighter to his chest.

"Oh man, I'm ok guys." She wiped some tears away and stepped back. They gave her a bigger bubble to breath but didn't leave.

"Really I'm fine. You guys are all such great friends." Slowly they started to disperse. "We should brainstorm a plan to get Kai back."

The crew was hesitant at first their friend have just cried but slowly started to brainstorm.

"Did they take anything?" Jacin said hesitatingly.

"I didn't notice anything gone in the cockpit or bins. Did you wolf?"

"Umm.. No I didn't." He stuttered.

"The galley was missing a couple things. Like they had one meal here or something." Winter shimmed in trying to change the mood a bit.

"Everything was accounted for in the rooms I checked." Cinder was going along with winter 

"Same." Jacin and Scarlet said at the same time.

"Everything was fine with the diagnostic test I ran and nothing else in the engine room was tampered with." Iko said but she wasn't her perky self at the moment.

"The podships are missing." Kinney said.

"And you didn't mention it till now!" Cinder exclaimed. "Cress can you find them?"

"Yes just give me a sec." She walked over to the hatch and climbed down to the pod ship dock with Cinder and Thorne.

His hunger hit him hard at that moment 

"Anyone hungry?" I asked. 

"Your always hungry Wolf you shouldn't rely on other to make you food! When we get back your going to have to cook your own meals!" Scarlet was, yelling at him now?

"You taught me how to cook Scar." 

"Don't Scar me!  Let's be real you always get me to do the cooking, well guess what I'm done cooking for everyone else why don't you cook for a change!" He was baffled. Did she really believe that? Was this the same person that was crying ten minutes ago?

"Scarlet-friend I think we're all hungry. Why don't i go make something for us to eat."

"Your taking his side!" He wasn't sure what to think anymore. He helped make every dinner with her except when he go caught up doing chores.

"Scarlet-friend I'm supposed to be the crazy one."

"Fine. You guys go eat."

"Can you guys stop arguing over food." Iko said.

They made there way to the galley. Well all but Scarlet and Iko. 

"What do you guys want?" Winter asked 

"Something quick and I can help" I respond 

"Oh don't be silly. Scarlet didn't mean that and this kitchen only has room for one person." Winter started cooking something up. It smelt amazing. He was glad they had decided to pack the rampion 11.3 with Fresh food and not that canned stuff.

Winter made eggs with tomatoes, peppers, and other vegetables in them and toast on the side. It was delicious. Cinder, Cress, and Thorne joined them to eat to while Cress's port was searching for the podships.

Halfway into the feast. Wolf already on his second helping of eggs Scarlet came running in. 

"Do we have pickles?"

"Ya Scarlet-friend in the fridge. I thought you weren't hungry."

"I'm craving pickles for some reason." She usually didn't eat pickles but he wasn't complaining. He loved them.

The ship started speaking to them right then.

"Two podships found at coordinates latitude 51.500149, longitude -0.126240 London, UK. Thirty minutes away."

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