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The day of the trial was finally here. Cinder was not looking forward to all the political stuff of the day but that had seemed to become her life. She remembered when Adri just left them alone. Kai had her banned from the palace which she had thought was unnecessary. Adri hated her why would she come to the palace? Then she had to go and kidnap Kai on their wedding day. 

Her port went off. 

Don't be late for the court hearing at noon.    -Torin

Aren't I supposed to remind you.

She checked the time. She had an hour till she had to be there and the courthouse was only ten minutes away. Torin needed to keep her busier, he did so much for Kai when he was adviser. She felt she should be doing more. Meant that she had time to go visit her friends before she had to leave though.

The courtroom was exactly like the netdramas. With pews and a bench and everything. An old tradition she was pretty sure. She took her place in the pews with all the other witnesses. The whole thing was really boring. She understood what was happening. There was a similar system on Luna but she had never really been interested in it all. She waited for her turn to testify. She wasn't sure about the judge though. He looked off.

"I would like to call up Selene Blackburn as eye witness your honour ." The crown said.

"Accepted." The judge replied. She walked up and was directed to a seat next to his honour. The crown started asking questions after she had said an oath.

"What did you witness regarding Linh Adri?"

"I witnessed a video, the same one you saw but longer where all three kidnapers tortured K—  Kai. She also forced Kai to go hide with Pearl when we had found him and he had no choice because of the device she helped put in his neck."

"What did you witness regarding Linh Pearl?"

"She was also in the video and she was the one to take Kai away on her moms order. When we went looking for Kai later she refused to help us free him or help in any way."

"Could Adri or Pearl have been glamoured into doing so?"

"No, they both had linh devices in."

"Objection your honour." The defence lawyer said.


"No linh devices were found in either Adri or Pearl when taken into custody." The judge nodded.

"Proceed." They said to the crown. Maybe he wasn't so bad.

"Did Adri ever harm anyone or attempt to harm anyone."

"Adri made me physically remove my hand saying if I didn't she would activate the device. She was also caught on camera taking Kai as I assume you already know." The crown looked at her weird.

"There's video evidence of Adri taking Kai?"

"Yes that how we found out it was her who took Kai. This is public knowledge is it not."

"No such video was presented as evidence. All cameras where down at the time of the kidnapping." What? Didn't she do a press meeting about it or maybe someone else did. She remembered it being on the news.

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