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Cress had gone back to their hotel room to grab her stuff and luckily he never showed up. Now she was in a hotel with a view of the city instead of ocean. She was grateful for the change of scenery. She started pulling up stuff on Kate Follow. It took her about three hours but she finally had enough information to find her. Her ID page did show one child who looked to be about three or four. The right age to be Thorne's child. She still lived here in San Diego. Once she found her address she didn't waist any time getting ready to leave. She decided to walk there. It was so nice out and she didn't want Thorne to have any way to know she had been there. It wasn't that far either. Maybe take her thirty minutes to walk it. She had walked longer for periods of time in the desert. 

She underestimated how hot it was going to be. Nothing like the desert either. It was humid and all she could think about was how bad her legs ached. Sweat was dripping from every part of her body. It hadn't even crossed her mind to bring water. She rested often making her time of thirty minutes to get there to one and a half hours till she arrived. She wouldn't make a very good first impression covered in sweat but by that point all she cared about was water. She knocked on the door and attempted to stand up straighter. A women opened to door that she recognized as Kate only barely from the photos. She had seen this person before though, in person. Who...  the COO. Of course, how had she not made the connection. Thorne acting so weird around her. Child hood memories he had described his behaviour as at the time. She felt stupid. That was the first red flag of many over the week. 

"Hello? Cress?" She realized Kate had been talking to her.

"Hi, ummm sorry to intrude but can we talk?"

"Sure. Looks like you could use a drink. Did you walk here?"

"Ya I did, wouldn't recommend."

"No kidding. It's hot today." Kate led her into her house. It was nice simple  home with most of the latest technology. Not huge but definitely not small. The kitchen was very spacious. Winter and Scarlet would love it.

"I've got water, tea, coffee really whatever."

"Waters good." Kate busied herself pouring her some water. She wondered where her kid was. She had never mentioned her sons name on her ID page. 

"Here." Kate placed a cup of water in front of her. She grabbed the glass of water and drank practically half of it before she stoped. 

"Thank you."

"Your welcome." She had an impressed smile on her face that faded into an awkward silence. Neither of them knew how to start the conversation. They stared at each other for a while until Kate spoke up.

"So, you walked all the way here to talk?"

"Ya, umm I was hoping you could answer some questions about You and Thorne for me." 

"Sure." This time it was a sympathetic smile she got. Cress had decided to start off simple. Not jump in right away with the pregnancy questions.

"You and Thorne have more history together then I realized."

"You knew we had history?"

"Well I knew that you guys had gone grade school together. It was one of the things I found out researching his past in the satellite. He told me he had a crush on you and I've teased him ever since. Apparently there's more to the story though."

"Ya, we started dating in grade eleven. We had a good relationship. I was miserable when he left for the academy and I stayed. I couldn't wait for him to come back. When I found out he had stolen the rampion I had actually thought he might come back for me. When he didn't I was heartbroken." 

"Were... were you pregnant?"

"Ya I was. But I'm over that. I've been a single mom for three years now. I think Riley will grow up to be just fine." 

"I don't doubt that. You've been through a lot but just to be clear it's Thorne's baby."


"I'm sorry. I could only imagine what it must have been like for you."

"Like I said. I'm over it." Cress nodded.

"Well, not sure what I'm going to do now." She said thinking out loud.

"You should talk to him. He has changed a lot since he met you. I watch it over the netscreens. How he's changing. He really loves you a lot."

"I just don't get why he would keep something like this from me. He didn't even know if he had a kid or not. Let alone the name or gender. He doesn't know anything and I don't think he ever planned on learning." That seemed to hit Kate hard but she clearly had experience with stuff like that.

"Boys are jerks."

"They really are." There was another silence. Cress broke it this time though.

"I should probably go. Thanks for the water and the talk. It was nice to finally  meet you."

"Your welcome, I'll walk you to the door. And maybe call a hover this time."

"Believe me I won't make that mistake again." Now she had to decide where to go. She didn't want to go to her lonely hotel room or find Thorne right away. Maybe the boardwalk. It should be a nice temperature down by the water.

"Hey Cress." She turned around.


"You go yell at him, make sure he knows what he did was wrong but please try and stick with him. Like I said he dose love you and you make him a better person. Don't do it if it doesn't feel right. A relationship is two ways but try for me."

"I will."

"Promise me you'll try."

"I promise I'll try my best."

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