Cress felt horrible. She wasn't sure if they should have let cinder go. What if something had happened to kai. It would be her fault. On her, just like the lunar soldiers that first attacked earth. She couldn't take it nobody was talking. Not even Iko but nobody was going to break the silence either. It was to late to go back on her decision that they should wait. Someone would be at the door soon to tell them to proceed with the wedding or to tell them some horrible news. Just as she was thinking it the knock came.

"Come in." Cinder was at the door in seconds. Needing more information from the lady. Cress new this was hardest for her. To sit still and worry over kai for that long. Cress had been going insane, she could only imagine. 

"Kai has gone missing along with the rampion. It appears that someone has takin him then had ship troubles so got away on the rampion instead. With the cameras having just come back online along with communication we have not been able to identify who it was and are only witness is unconscious at the moment but were hopeful he will know."

She was already trying to figure out how to get kai back. The rampion had many trackers installed after the revolution so they could easily find them but they didn't know who they were up against. Was it an angry earthen or lunar? How dangerous were they?

"We have a team tracking the rampion. The perpetrators removed all the trackers but they missed one. They are headed to orbit space for how long though we don't know. We also have them on radar so we can see if they switch ships for some reason."

"I'm going. Prepare a ship for us." Cinder stated. Cress new they would be and this time she wasn't going to try and persuade her out of it."

"When do we leave." That was scarlet.


The women spoke up. "Are you sure that's smart? With kai gone you should be here to run the commonwealth."

"Wouldn't torin be in charged since we are technically not married yet."

"Yes but he is unconscious at the moment and you may need to run for empress should kai not be found."

"If it comes to that I will come back but until then run through the chain of command."

They met up with the boys at a newer rampion on another landing pad. Kinney was there to. She wasn't really sure what the whole this with him was. He was cinders gard but he and Iko had something going. She felt bad for him. It was obvious he had fallen for an android. 

"Let's go" cinder was still in her wedding dress. Well they were all still dressed up but there were clothes on the ship. She and throne rushed to start the engine and takeoff while everyone else strapped in. This 12.1 had more seats so everyone could sit in the cockpit with safety harnesses unlike the 11.3 with only two seats and safety harnesses. 

Thorne had taught her how to co-pilot the ship when they were distributing the antidote. The controls were slightly different from what she was used to and the ship was a lot bigger but they took off pretty easily. Thorne wasn't very good at takeoffs still but after so many she was used to it now. It gave her a rush flying something so big to do something so important. She was no longer just the hacker that used to spy for levana. She could fight, well better then she used to anyway, and fly as well. 

"Ready for the coordinates, send them over." Thorn was speaking to someone over the intercom.

"Are we far away? We need to make a plan."cinder was once again clocking her anxiety with confidence. She was getting better at it but cress would always be able to tell.

"It will take us about five hours to get there. Switching to autopilot on three." That last line was for cress.



"Three." She switched her controls to autopilot at the same time as him.

"Whats are plan?"

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