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They were flying back to the ship. Jacin was piloting the pod sense he couldn't but it gave him time to appreciate the work of art he had redone on the ship. He wasn't even mad Cinder had painted over the last one. This looked so much better with a black background instead of silver. His leg started to fall asleep with Cress on his lap. This pod was so small why won't Jacin fly any faster. If he had been the one piloting they would have been docked already but Jacin was to concerned with everyone's safety go past the recommended speed. Like what's going to happen in the middle of space dude. The ship has been in view for the past twenty minutes! At least they were close. 

"It's safe to exit." Jacin said. No duh that was the loud beep was for.

"Finally." He let everyone else exit first though. He could barely move because of his stupid back. The big gouges in his arms and legs didn't make it any easier. The ladder was going to be fun. Once he finally made it to the med bay Cinder was already on the table with Jacin doing medical things. Her arm was going the wrong directions. She would need a hospital. Cress was on the stool applying healing salve and bandages. She stood up when she saw him.

"Take off your shirt so I can bandage it." Cress's said reaching towards it.

"Hear that Cinder your finally get to see me shirtless." He said. She rolled her eyes but he could tell she was stuffing a laugh by how unnaturally straight her mouth was.                                                                                                                                       He helped Cress take off his shirt and she started rubbing the salve everywhere. She was trying to be as gentle as possible but it was tender and stung. 

"Ahh... Who are you!" He could hear wolf in the galley. There better not be some rando on his ship. They all went to investigate. Cinders arm was still all wonky but now it had the beginning of a splint on it. In the galley Wolf was there and someone he didn't recognize. 

"So glad you could join us. Why don't you take a seat this might take awhile." 

"Who are you and why are you on my ship?" He asked. 

"You don't recognize me?" Should he. The voice seemed familiar but he had never seen this man before.

"No I don't that's why I asked." He didn't like this man already.

"Well why don't you sit and I can explain a few things." He sat down.

"Can you answer my question now?" He asked. The man waited till everyone was sitting before saying a word.

"You and I met once Thorne. It took me a while to figure it out. You hadn't shaved in a few days and you were blind. Went by the name Mr.Smith. Who would have though I was talking to thee Carswell Thorne. You made me rich. Gave me a million unvies and took something now priceless in exchange." He paused. It has been over two years sense he lost his sight. During the revolution in the desert. Had he used the name Mr. Smith then? He had no clue and if he had taken anything he had given it to some museum.

"You still don't know who I am?" He had no clue other then he probably met him in Kufra or Farafrah. 


"I think you'll figure it out after I tell you why I'm here."

"Please enlighten me." He said throwing a thankless smile at him. 

"I'm here because Iko belongs to me and they no longer make models that look like that anymore on her request."

"Iko belongs to me." Cinder said. This guy was insane if he thought he could come here and tell them to hand over her best friend.

"I think you'll reconsider."

"And why would we do that." He asked. He was over this guy, they had better things to do.

"Have you noticed Scarlet or Winter yet." He asked. It hadn't even crossed his mind. Wolf and Jacin went off on him. Within seconds he was pinned under Wolf Jacin pointing a gun to his head. Was this man seriously trying to make every single one of them mad.

"What did you do. Where are they." Jacin asked.

"There safe but if you kill me they will run out of food and die. Only I know their location." How was this guy still so composed. They slowly started to back off.

"I'll trade Iko for your friends." 

"Well I regret to inform you that we got into a bit of a fight and Iko didn't make it. Could I interest you in Darlas personally chip?" His business skills were finally coming in handy.

"I'm not stupid I want Iko. I know there the same android." He was still composed. How long would it take to change that.

"One we put Iko's chip in Darlas body. Two you should have come before we left. Darla is the best we can do." 

"Fine, so she didn't make it. You can't have the coordinates."

"Kinney cut off some of her limbs, ripped a knife through her back and broke her chip. So if you would like to go retrieve her I can give you coordinates to the ship she's on." He was getting frustrated. This guy was so stubborn.

"Fine give me another million and I'll go." Not even Cinder had a million to give him.

"What did I miss. Kinney just reinstalled me into the rampion. How long do you think it will take to make me a new body?"

"So Iko is still alive. In that case I'm back to my original offer. I want her chip."

"Who are you and why do you want my chip?!"

"I'm the man that owns you."


"Don't worry Iko. This crazy doesn't know what he's up against." Cinder said. "Jacin can you break his linh device." He liked the sound of that.

"I think so." Jacin got up again and walked toward him. The mans composure broke there was fear in his eyes. He got up and started out of the room at a sprint. Wolf was faster though. He grabbed him and brought him to Jacin keeping him still. He heard a small crack when Jacin pushed on his neck. 

"Try that." He said. Wolf brought him into a position holding his wrists behind his back. 

"They're in a satilight. The coordinates are -123.120735 longitude, 49.282730 latitude. There is a trap when anyone but me or my lunar assistant enters. You will be trapped in the tunnel and a warning will be sent to both of us." Cinder was GOOOOOOD. Him and Cress went to the cockpit to fly the ship to Scarlet and Winter. Luckily they weren't to far away. Thirty minutes. 

He was piloting the pod for Cinder and the man. Apparently his name was Steve. Jacin and Wolf had also wanted to come but they needed room for Winter and Scarlet in the pod. He sent a signal requesting them to open the satilight. It took them a while but it did eventually extend. 

"Your going to go in there let them out without setting off any traps. Got it." Cinder wasn't messing around. Steve didn't reply though he just turned and walked through the tunnel.

He returned seconds later with Scarlet and Winter. They seemed unharmed. He flew back to the ship and there was a huge sappy reunion. He thought it was a bit over dramatic considering Kai had been gone for almost three days and them only an hour. He then was assigned the boring job of dropping Steve off in Kufra where he belongs then went to meet Cinder at new Beijing hospital. They would let the Commonwealth military deal with the other ship and get Kai back.

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