Cinder was starting to worry again. What if she tripped, what if she ripped her beautiful dress, what if kai backed out at the last second. Anything could happen. She loved him so much, and she knew he felt the same but that did little to comfort all her worries, she had so many. Then there was the whole becoming empress thing that she refused to think about now. If she did she would fall into an endless pit of worries she could never get out of, she was already standing to close to the edge.

      Her door slammed open and she whipped her head around to see who it was from her spot on the bed. Iko, cress, winter and scarlet burst into the room all already in their bridesmaid gowns. 

 "Cinder! The weddings in thirty minutes why aren't you dressed yet!" Iko practically yelled. The other girls faces melted into worry.

"I must have lost track of time" I lied knowing very well I should have started getting ready hours ago.    

"you have a clock in your head" Iko came back with but let it go."lets get you all fancied up"

Cinder quickly ran into the bathroom to change while Iko got a hair and makeup station set up in the main part of her room. When she exited cress, Iko and winter simultaneously let out a wow while scarlet chucked in the back.

"Hurry up we only have twenty more minutes until you have to be there and the bridesmaids are already suppose to be down there. The boys are probably going to start worrying soon. A person can only be so late to a wedding. Especially one with kai."

Her worries all came flooding back at the mention on his name but somehow this time she knew everything was going to be fine. 

She sat super still as Iko did her hair and makeup. Laughed with the girls and was starting to feel better. Iko who had finished her hair and was now adding some makeup, she didn't normally wear makeup but she gave into Iko after a couple days but nothing to fancy. Iko had been so happy it was impossible to get her to calm down all day. Even after she had lost the battle about the high heels. 

A loud knock came from the door startling Iko who let out a complaint after messing up on the eyeliner.

"come in" A women from the palace staff opened the door and came in.

"Is everything ok?" i asked though it was obvious by her expression that it wasn't.

"We have received word that all security systems and communication systems are down. We request that you all stay in here until we can fix the problem encase this poses a threat to your well being. We are posting extra gards near yours and kaito's doors until this dealt with even though be think the problem on the other end of the palace. The wedding hasn't been canceled yet just postponed until further notice. Ill be back when its safe to continue as planed." And with that she slipped out the door before anyone could ask a question. 

She could feel the tension in the room. They all new the story of how they kidnapped kai two years ago and it was way to similar. The distraction, security, postponing the wedding. This is probably the same message kai got when we broke in. 

As the unspoken words began to set in the room went into chaos. Everyone was talking, trying to say it was all going to be fine, they know how to deal with this stuff, now you will have more time to get ready.

"Im going to check on him" i said cutting everyone off. This time they spoke one at a time but barley

"you cant see the groom on the wedding day"

"especially not in your dress"

"he can take care of himself"

"he has a linch device remember"

"we will wait it out until she comes back with an update"

"the palace staff know this move and kai's added many security features sense then."

This wan't happening, this wasn't happening why, did the universe hate her.

"I really don't care abut that superstition and I didn't use my gift to take him. What if hes in trouble and i do nothing, the boys aren't even there to protect him."She was wasting time arguing this but she had a feeling they would use all their strength to keep her in here. Her retina scanner poped up telling her that she had high blood pressure and to take measured breathes but she ignored it.

"I have to go" was all she said before booking it out that door as fast as she could in her huge white dress. The gards were surprised when the saw her but instantly stopped her once she was outside of the room. She was thrashing in their grip as they kept repeating to her that they were under strict orders to keep her in her room where she was safe.

Iko,cress,winter and scarlet exited the room soon after her but she barley noticed. She was yelling at the stubborn gards in the hall to let her go, she knew they had orders but she didn't care, she could take care of herself, she needed to help kai. Then it dawned on her she could make them let her go, put her will into their heads. It had been a while sense she'd used her gift, she had almost forgotten about it. It sent the wrong message to the people of the commonwealth. Like she was somehow only after power. Even after all she'd done they couldn't get it out of their heads but she never had liked the gift anyway so it was never a big deal.

She stopped for a second when winters hand touched her shoulder. She looked up to see her friends standing in front of her before they crowded around her in a huge hug restraining her in the middle. She wished she could cry in their arms but instead was met with a nasty headache. Then she was shuffled into her room to wait for what seemed like forever.

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