Kai was slowly drifting awake. His eyes fluttered open and he was looking at the underside of a bunk bed. He was used to it by now but he didn't remember passing out on the rampion. He moved to get out of the bed finding the familiar tiny room. Adri was sitting on the desk chair and the memories came flooding back. His plan hadn't worked. He was supposed to be in he medical wing. 

"Finally your awake. Put these on." She passed him a pair of cuffs. He did as he was told.

"Why are you doing this." Maybe he wasn't fully awake yet but hadn't cinder made her a millionaire and saved her from levana?

"Follow me. Were switching ships." She just ignored his question. He didn't want to move but  curiosity made him. Was this thee rampion or just the same model? They passed the cargo bay and he saw the mark of bullets from the revolution. This was thorne's ship. He stopped, if this was the rampion then someone was probably tracking it. If he could just stay here until they came. How long would that be? 24 hours at the most. He didn't know how long he had been out. 

He moved to go back to his room. He wasn't switching ships. 

"Wrong way, emperor." She made it sound as if emperor was the worst job you could have but he ignored her and continued walking. He was about to turn down the hallway when a sharp pain suddenly hit his neck. He screamed and fell down. The pain was so horrible, why wasn't he passing out? It felt like a lifetime before the pain began to subside. What had she done to him. He started to sob though he didn't want to show her a tear.

"As you have noticed we installed a device into your neck while you were asleep. If you disobey any one of us can activate it and for as long as we choose. Understand?" He couldn't respond. The memory of the pain was enough for him to never want to feel it again. He got up trying to wipe away the tears with bound hands and followed her to the pod ship dock where they abandoned the rampion and joined another ship.

 Two people were waiting for them there. One he recognized as pearl but he had no clue who the man was. 

"Finally you guys took forever. Thirty more minutes and you would have been caught." Pearl walked over to him.

"Did Adri show you her device." She whipped away one of his tears. He flinched away. "It must really hurt." 

He didn't say anything. He just wanted to be left alone. He needed cinder to come. He didn't know how he was going to get out of this. It was silent for a while before the man spoke up.

"Pearl, could you give are guest a tour of the ship please." Why would they give him a tour? Wasn't he a prisoner.

"Of coarse." She walked out and he followed her through the ship. First stop was the galley.

"This is where you will get drinks and food." She explained how it all worked. He was getting really confused as to what was going on. He was still cuffed but Pearl seemed to think he was part of the crew. They moved through the ship. She showed him where the cleaning supplies were kept, and all the rooms.

"What's that room?" It was the first thing he'd said for a while.

"That's the pod ship dock. Your ID chip won't let you in there."

"My ID chip? You didn't take it out?"

"Oh, no we took out both of them but we replaced the one in your arm." Now he was really confused. What were they planning on doing with him.

"Come I'll show you your room and take those things off." She gestured to his cuffs. He had put them on loose but Adri had tightened them. They were started to hurt a little.

She led him to a tiny room on the top floor. There were four floors in total. The ship was a luxurious ship meant to live in. Self sufficient to so it could stay in space for long periods of time. 

The room was about the same size as the ones on the rampion. It had a bed, a small closet and a very small screen by the door. That was it, not even a window. This made sense to him though. Pearl slid her wrist over the cuffs and they opened. He rubbed them instinctively.

"I asked Adri to give you a bigger room but she really hates you. It was going to be smaller."

"Why am I here?" I had to ask.

"Adri didn't tell you? She hates Cinder for taking her husband and daughter then getting everything she had ever wanted and forgetting about her. You helped her achieve that and she wanted to take something important away from Cinder. Adri would have killed you but I couldn't let her. Not when I could spend a lifetime with the emperor. Even if they are going to be are servant." 

So that's what they planned. Kind of ironic. The emperor becomes servant. Worst of all Pearl didn't even seem to care what her mom did or why. She wanted a lifetime with him. The thought made him shudder. He was Cinder's. He would always love Cinder. That would never change.

 Pearls port chimed and she looked at it and frowned.

"Come on they want us in the theater."

When they arrived that man was there again. Who was he? He seemed familiar.

"On your knees." Adri said a cruel grin on her face.

He sank to his knees infront on the huge net screen then Adri grabbed another pair of cuffs from her pocket and put them on tight. Why had they bothered taking them off to put them back on? 

Left alone in the center so only he could be seen the screen flickered to life. He was looking at the rampion's cargo bay but now he could see Wolf and Thorne looking through the crates probably for him.

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