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 Thorne sat in his hotel room. He barely left. Just in case Cress showed up. After a week of waiting though he was getting antsy. Starting to doubt that she would come. He couldn't imagine what he would do without her though. Kai would know what to do. Maybe they found a way to wake him up. No they would have commed him right away. He couldn't bring himself to drag Cinder into this mess either. She had enough going on. He was really on his own now but how was he to know what to do. Should he go looking for her. She could be anywhere in the city. Or should he wait and hope she comes back. He didn't know. He knew he loved her, he was a better man with her, he didn't want to be apart from her another second. He knew that he had really messed up and that he didn't want to stay in this room another second. He needed to find her and make things right. He left before he could change his mind but left a note behind for Cress. She still had a key to the room.

"Has a Cress Darnel checked in in the past week?"

"How do you spell that?"

"C. R. E. S. S. D. A. R. N. E. L."

"No sorry."

"Well thanks." This was the twentieth hotel he had checked. One had said she stayed for two nights at the beginning of the week but had checked out. So he was pretty sure she was in the area but he had no clue. That girl could walk for hours. He checked a few more hotels with no luck. It was almost lunch already. He spotted his favourite restaurant as a kid up ahead. He hadn't eaten there in forever. He was starving and tired so he decided to take a break. They had changed the Mac & Cheese recipe which was disappointing. It wasn't as good but he ate all of it. Then he was back to wandering the streets. He needed a better method to find her. Where would Cress have gone. She seemed to like the boardwalk, maybe she was there.

The boardwalk was packed with people. It was unlikely he would be able to find anyone in this chaos. He checked as thoroughly as he could though. He had seen many blonds that fit her profile and had even approached a few he had been sure was her. That made for some awkward conversations. Nobody knew he and Cress we're fighting. Sure to be on the news at some point now. But he never actually found Cress anywhere. Where else would she have gone. He was thinking of all the places he had taken her the week before. She had enjoyed the roller coasters, zoo, military tour but that was all things he was more into. She preferred the history and views. Going to the beach. Maybe that's where she was, the beach. He didn't like beaches, or sand. It had always seemed like that's where bad things always happened to him. First Kate had told him she was pregnant while they were watching the sun go down together the last time. Then he became a criminal stealing the rampion. Then he had gone blind in the desert. Cinder had almost drowned while he was on a beach. Then Cress and him started fighting. Sand in general was just his bad luck charm. But going through the list gave him another idea he didn't like one bit more. Cress could have talked with Kate. The more he thought of it the more it made sense.

"I want answers and not from you." He mimicked. He had assumed that meant she was going to stock their every move till he left and probably a bit after that. What if she meant she wanted to talk to Kate. He couldn't get the idea out of his head that she had been there. What was he supposed to do though. Randomly knock on her door and ask about Cress. Wouldn't be his best moment.

After an hour of debating he was standing in front of Kate's house really hoping she hadn't moved. Just ask if Cress had come and if she knew where she went. He walked up to the door and rang the bell. Feet shuffled inside. He put on his best smile. Kate opened the door.

"Hey." The door was slammed in his face. He deserved that. He knocked on the door again and again till she answered.


"Look I'm sorry for showing up like this but did Cress ever come here?"

"You have a lot of nerve to come here and ask that."

"I know, I'm sorry but I have to talk to her."

"She hasn't come and talked to you yet?"


"Then I can't help you." She went to close the door but he stopped it just in time.

"She was here though."

"Ya she came, we talked, decided we both hate you." She went into her house leaving the door open. He followed.

"Come on, you've gotta help me out here."

"I don't have to do anything."

"Kate. Look. I'm sorry. I wish I could change what happened but I can't. I'm trying to turn my life around here but I need help."

"Find help elsewhere."

"Can you just answer my question and I'll go. You never have to see me again."

"Fine. She did come and I told her to find you and talk to you. If she hasn't yet then I don't know."

"She will come and to talk though?"

"If she keeps her promises then yes. Now go I don't want you here." He nodded his head and walked to the door but something stopped him halfway.

"Mom. Why you yelling." Was that. He turned to find a little boy peaking around the corner.

"I'll tell you later. After this man leaves." She scooped him up in her arms.

"Is that..." He trailed off.

"This is Riley. My son."

"Who's the father?" He had to ask.

"Who do you think. I told you over three years ago. Now go we don't want you here." He left not sure if he should feel victorious or defeated. He had gotten the information he needed but also some he knew he would never be able to handle. He had abandoned his son.

He went back to the hotel in a daze. People probably thought he was drunk and it wouldn't have been the first time. He didn't care though. He needed to clear his head. This had never happened to him before. Maybe he would feel better in the morning. Be able to think. Process things a bit. He opened the door with the sole purpose to fall on the bed. That's was the only thing that could get through his head. He almost missed her sitting on the desk chair. Cress was there. He didn't even hesitate to hug her and of all things he started to cry in her arms.

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