Kai was still crying on the floor when the screen went black.

"Your punishment for that will be carried out later." That wasn't his punishment? "Now go change out of those clothes. They make me sick." She would not see him wipe at his tears. He slowly got up and started to leave but stopped. He needed his cuffs off to change. 

"C can you t take these off?" He hated how his voice sounded so weak but the pain was still fresh in his mind. She smirked and waved a hand by the cuffs. They fell to the floor.

He left the room at a walk wanting to hold onto some dignity. He would behave as a emperor even if they expected him to be their slave. That didn't stop him from picking up the pace though once he was outside of that room.

In his tiny room he refused to break down. He went straight to the closet and opened it up. All he saw was white, white shirts, white pants, white socks, white shoes. He didn't know why he was surprised, this was exactly something Adri would do. He really didn't care though, they were just clothes. He grabbed one of each item and put it on. They were scratchy and cheep clothes like he expected. It kind of reminded him of those military uniforms from when Cinder had kidnaped him but those were easily better quality. Cinder, he missed her already. How long had he been on this ship? Thirty minutes. He wasn't sure what to do now so he sat on the bed. Should he wait here or find someone. Normally he summed servants but there was no way for him to know if someone wanted him and he definitely didn't want to make Adri mad by doing something wrong. He had resolved to ask Pearl. At least she seemed to not want to kill him even if the thought of her made him sick. He got off the bed and that mysterious screen lit up. 


Did that mean to go find Adri in the theatre? Worth a shot. He walked back to the theater where Adri was with the man. There was a awkward silence at first but then the man spoke up.


"Excuse me?"

 It came out before he could think but did that man really just ask him to bow! There was a quick pain in his neck. He winced and reached up. What the heck was that thing in his neck? He was about to do it when what he thought he would never experience again happened. His body started lowering into a bow on its own accord. That wasn't possible. He had a linh device installed. Was that man lunar. Adri certainly wasn't. Did she know? Apparently his face said it all.

"We had to remove you linh device to insert the device Ryan here made for you. He's a thaumaturge. Been working for the palace as a guard ever sense Levana took the throne." She leaned over and kissed him and it got heated fast. He looked away disgusted and slowly started backing out of the room. His legs refused to move one step away from the door but they hadn't stoped kissing. He looked up at the ceiling not wanting to watch them or lower his head in respect. Working for him and his father for years and they hadn't noticed. Even after Levana was killed. He needed to make one of those lunar scanners he'd invented during her reign. 

"Where do you think your going?" He looked down. They had finally stopped kissing. 

"Nowhere." He said it casually. Like he was just waiting for them to finish.

"You can be punished for that with the one earlier. We need to finish your operations come with us." Then man, Ryan, said. His operations? What else were they doing to him and what did this Ryan have against him? He seemed to hate him more then Adri did if that was possible. He was lead to the bottom level of the ship and into a room with a hospital bed and a whole bunch of equipment. Adri had left to find Pearl leaving him and Ryan. 

"Lay down." A few comebacks went through his mind but he managed not to say any while he went to the bed and laid down. 

"What are you going to do?"

"No questions." No questions! He was supposed to lay down and wait for some random person do some operation on him.

"Will it hurt?"

"No. Questions." This guy wasn't going to give him a response at all? He sat up to see what he was doing. There were a whole bunch of surgical equipment in front of him and some sort of rectangular device.

"Are you putting that in me?" Ryan tapped a button on his port and thousands of knives dug into him all over his body not just his neck this time. He was on the bed screaming, crying, in so much pain. It shouldn't be possible without blacking out to handle it all but Ryan just put in earplugs and continued with his work. It felt like hours before ryan had finally finished and stoped the pain. He started to cry harder. He couldn't stop crying and when he tried he cried harder.He thought that the pain was bad before. When it was his neck but that was somehow worse.

"That was level three. You have already felt the first two. Level three is what will happen for a minute after each wrong you do. Three minutes for three questions. Those other two will come later" Only three minutes? It had felt like hours but ten minutes would have been the lowest guess he made. 

"Your lucky I have to put you asleep for this." With that a mask was put onto his face tears still a steady stream. His eyes started to close against his will but this wasn't lunar magic. He was asleep before he could protest it.

He woke up on the bed in the med room. He was still half asleep but he knew what had happened. Sitting up was a harder task then he'd realized but he did it. Nobody else was in the room. He felt fine though, and the tiredness was warring off already. He examined his hands and wrists. Everything seemed normal. He got up and walked to the door. His legs felt fine. What had he done? Waving his wrist over the scanner he went to step out into the hall but the door didn't open and he ran into it instead. So he was locked in. He started looking around the room while he waited. He didn't have to wait very long though because Adri walked. 

"Ryan has to go deal with your pesky friends so I'm going to explain the rules once to you. Remember them."

"My-" she just kept talking.

"All your spare time is to be spent cleaning. If we need you you are to put away your cleaning supplies and come quick. You have a minute before that device in your neck shocks you with level one. Then thirty seconds and so on. You will do whatever we ask without complaint. If we walk into the room you're cleaning you are to exit with all your stuff, nobody wants to see you or your filthy things. We will keep track of your wrongs and once a week on Saturday you will pay a minute for each one. You already have two already. Now hold out your wrist." 

He knew what 'doing something wrong' felt like so he slowly held out his wrist. She pulled out what looked like a watch but with something coming out the end by the skin then tapped a couple buttons on her port. A small section opened in his wrist revealing something that looked like the watch would attach to. What the heck! Why did lunars have to do anything but the expected? She attached the watch and left with the door open. He was frozen to the spot though. His wrist had just opened and he hadn't noticed a thing wrong with it earlier. What did the thing even do? He examined it but couldn't find a way to take it off. It had a screen on the front and a band around his wrist with no clasp or anything. To someone else it would look like a normal watch but it definitely wasn't. His neck gave him a quick shock then the screen lit up with the word clean. He knew nothing about cleaning but he started walking to the cleaning supplies closet to go figure it out. Hopefully he'd be a natural at it.

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