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Cress had her arms wrapped around Thorne. She wasn't sure how this had happened. On minute she had been waiting for him to arrive so she could give him her big speech. Took her all week to perfect it. Next Thorne's crying in her arms. She led him to the bed and sat beside him. 

"What happened." He wiped the tears from his eyes.

"It's true. I have a son."

"You do."

"I left him. He grew up without me."

"He did."

"What do I do."

"I don't know."

"What do you want me to do." What dose she want? She wanted... that boy to have a dad.

"Get to know Riley."

"Kate won't let me near him."

"It will take time."

"What about us." She had given this question so much thought but it all seemed irrelevant now. She didn't know what was going to happen to them.

"Let's have this conversation in the morning." He must have been tired or something because he passed out almost immediately. She climbed in after him a few minutes later but found she couldn't sleep. Couldn't stop thinking about their conversation. Was she even still mad at him. She couldn't be after that. Kate would be in their life now. She wasn't sure if she wanted that but Riley was worth it. Not that she had never met the kid. She would though and she would know she made the right decision when that kid grows up with a dad. The fact Thorne was the dad though was still processing. After a whole week. She wasn't sure if she would ever get used to that fact. How had Thorne even found out he was a dad? Did he go to Kate's? Why would he have done that though? Things were starting to make less and less sense. Why would he have left a note saying he would be back and to wait? Was he hiding something? Did he know she was coming back? To many questions. She needed to sleep but that seemed impossible. She closed her eyes and urged her mind to stop coming up with questions but they kept coming. It felt like hours before she finally fell asleep. It probably was.

Someone shaking her shoulder rudely woke her up. She was still so tired. 

"Cress. It's eleven already. You got to get up." She groaned. That was the last thing she wanted to do. She didn't care what time it was. 

"Come on. Aren't you supposed to be the responsible one." Ugghhhh. She opened her eyes to find Thorne about to pour water on her. She jerked up away from the cup but ended up hitting her head on it. Ice cold water fell down her back. She shrieked. 

"What was that for."

"Had to get you up somehow."

"You know your super annoying." She said it but the water actually felt refreshing on her back. It was so hot in their room.

"That was all on you. I'm a go do a breakfast run. What do you want." 

"Something sweet. Like... like—"

 "Cinnamon buns?" 


"Ok, I'll be back in fifteen." She made herself get up and dressed before he came back. The wait was painful, she was starving. The smell of the food as Thorne brought it in was like heaven. She ate it all so fast she was disappointed when it was gone. 

"Thank you."

"No problem." Things got awkward after that.

"So, um, last night." She said. He pursed his lips and scratched the back of his neck. 

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