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Cinder and Kai were returning to the eastern common wealth where they would tell the world they got engaged. She had never expected to worry so much over her engagement. She used to think she would never get engaged at all. But by now everyone knew her name, she could never go back to being just a mechanic so why try. She loved kai so much she would be anything by his side. As long as they did it together she wouldn't care if it meant running a country for a lifetime after she had just gotten out of it on luna. 

"you nervous?" kai came in the room she'd been hiding in.

"Who would be nervous about practically being announced empress with the whole world watching, then having to speak." i replied throwing all the sarcasm i could into the statement

kai came and sat beside her before replying "not me" he winked after and some how that was all the comfort she needed. She put her head on his shoulder and looked out the tiny window as the stars passed by.

The ship was preparing to land in the eastern Commonwealth. A wave of nerves hit her hard. Who would want a lunar cyborg as a empress. What if they haven't  gotten over the time she kidnaped kai and he came back with that huge bruise on his face. Or when she had been the #1 fugitive and been called extremely dangerous. Why should they except her.

"Your doing great" kai said reading her mind. 

She squeezed his hand hard trying to ease the growing panic. Nobody was expecting her to be on the ship with kai. Walking off this ship would mean everyone knew. There was no way they wouldn't see the ring. No she could do this. It would be announced tomorrow at a press conference. Shoot I'm going to have to speak. I left this all behind on Luna just to find it here. But now I have kai I won't be on my own we will do this together. 

The ramp opened, she hadn't noticed that they'd landed. This pilot was obviously way better then Thorne. She and kai walked out together hand in hand ignoring all the media. They were already catching on to why she was here but it didn't matter she has kai.

They dropped their regale act the second they were inside.

"Why can't they just mind their business for a day. I thought they were all still at scarlets farm." 

"Get used to it their never going to leave u alone after you take me away from the 200,000 single girl's" he smiled and kissed her. 

Cinder whispered in his ear race ya to the kitchen I'm starving before sprinting away.

"Oh your on" kai yelled from behind her.

They were sharing some leftover cake they found in the fridge of the palace kitchens but they had had to move to the gardens when the cooks kept giving them weird looks. Kai took the cake off her fork and ate it.

"Hey. That's mine" she said barely stuffing a laugh and lightly hit him in the arm with her fork.

He started to laugh and then she couldn't hold it in any more she started laughing so hard she sorted then they both laughed because she snorted. She attempted to take another bite of cake but ended up choking on it she was laughing so hard and of course that made the laughing fit worse. 

Once they had finally stoped laughing they brought the cake back to the kitchen and started wandering the halls together until they both passed out in kai's bed with their clothes and shoes still on.

Cinder woke up first and was surprised to find herself in kai's room still rapped in his arms. It felt so right, like that was how she woke up every morning. She needed to get out but kai had her trapped.

"Kai? You awake?"

"*groans* ya." He didn't  bother to open his eyes or move at all.

"Can you let me out?"

"Sure." He kissed her Forehead then let her go.

She slipped out of bed and he rolled over to go back to bed.


A ping from Kai's port interrupted the conversation they were having. He looked at it quickly not wanting to end the conversation but had to look at it again this time reading it and a big smile blooming across his face.

"What, what's going on." He pulled a blindfold from his pocket.

"Have you had that this whole time." He took the blindfold and covered her eyes without saying a word.

"Come on where are we going. What's happening. We have that press conference in an hour. "

"I know this won't take long. How many fingers am I holding up?" 

"Umm... 4"

"Good you can't see." He took my metal hand and started leading me through the palace. We turned lots and we took an elevator to so she had no idea even what floor she was on. One of the top ones was as close as she could get."

"Ok keep the blindfold on for one more second." He moved her a few more steps and turned her in a diffident direction.

"Ok  you can take it off now." She found herself in the hangar the rampion right in front of her and the whole crew including iko and Kinney.

"What are you guys doing here." She was so happy to see them. This was going to be a fun couple of months.

"We came to surprise you." Iko squealed 

"It's so good to see you. Has anything interesting gone down in the whole 24 hours I didn't see you?" She asked sarcastically 

"Jacin messed up Thorne's hair on the way over. It was whole thing and hilarious" Iko said obviously waiting to tell her every detail later.

When she looked over at Thorne his hair wasn't groomed like it normally was. He was glaring at jacin. 

I chuckled then lead them inside to their rooms that kai had gotten done up earlier. 

The press conference was just about to start. Kai went up to the podium while she stood with the line of officials. There were whispers going around.

"I have called a press meeting this morning to announce that while we were at the benoit's I proposed to Selene Blackburn ex queen of Luna and she said yes." His smile was huge. Almost as big as when she had actually said yes. 

Cinder walked up to the podium where she would answer some of the questions they had about her becoming empress. She pointed to someone in the middle.

"When is the wedding going to be?"

"The wedding will take place the day before the peace ball and the coronation directly after. It's a Thursday." She pointed to someone in the back this time.

"What is your goal as empress?" 

"As empress my goal is to make sure that my citizens are considered equal and treated fairly, as well as keeping you all safe from any threats that might come.I may be lunar but I grew up here and I've always thought of the eastern Commonwealth as my home." That was the best she had come up with so she hoped it would due.

After answering a few more questions she stepped off the podium.

"They took that really well."

"I don't know what you were expecting. You got rid of Letumosis and Levana. Your a hero."

"A cyborg lunar hero though. Both things that two years ago were hated."

"Whatever." He kissed her for the millionth time but she still got a rush and a wave of giddiness like she always did. 

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