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They had been stalking the familiar halls for like thirty minutes. All of them had their guns raised but they hadn't crossed paths with anyone yet. According to Iko they were all on the floor below them but there was still the wolf soldiers who could hear them before they even smelt them. They could be lurking anywhere. This thought made Cress stick closer to Iko. It was weird seeing a completely different person but as long as she had fighting techniques installed she didn't care. 

"Last corner." They all knew that from the first time on an identical ship but she was fine letting her lead and apparently so was Thorne. Iko looked around the corner but instead of moving forward like at every other corner she jerked back.

"Half of the soldiers are there." Iko reported. She flatten herself against the wall. Spotting more out of the corner of her eye down the hall. She squeaked.

"Found the other half." Iko and Thorne followed her gaze back the way they came. 

"Let's do this." Thorne shot a couple of them before they started to charge. She  hastily tried to get her gun out but it was stuck. Come on. She gave it a good yank and it came free. They were getting really close her gun wouldn't be much use for long. She took aim and fired but missed. Why was it so much easier before Thorne had thought her proper techniques. Or was it just lunar guns were better. Didn't matter they were approaching fast. She ran trying to aim over her shoulder but also not run into a wall. She shot off another dart but it hit Iko. 

"Sorry." She was not going to attempt that again. Iko looked back. 

"Look out." She turned around to see what Iko was talking about finding herself an inch away from bumping into a huge hairy chest. She stumbled away tripping on her own feet till she fell. The huge beast was at her with two strides leaning over her. She curled up into a small ball realizing she was about to die. 

"Cress!" Thorne yelled before something slammed into the soldier standing above her. It knocked him off balance giving her time to get away. She scrambled to her feet. Regaining her balance she looked around. Iko was kicking the soldiers butts while Thorne and the wolf soldier were fighting. Well Thorne was defending for his life while the wolf soldier was trying to eat him. She aimed the gun. Please don't hit Thorne, please don't hit Thorne. She shot and it lodged it's self into the soldiers flesh. Finally a good shot. The soldier fell right on top of Thorne knocking them both down. Thorne pushes the dude off of him and slowly got up.

"Thanks." Thorne said. He had huge marks on his arms.

"Your welcome." She said flashing him a smile before going to help Iko. 

She shot some of the soldiers who were circling Iko. It had looked like she had been kicking butt but now not so much. There was big sections of wiring showing but she seemed to be functioning. At least she didn't have to worry about hitting her. Most of them were down by now. Scattered around the hall. Iko did an impressive, she didn't even know what it was, knocking him out. She took a moment to catch her breath.

"We should probably start flying the ship." Thorne said. She had forgotten about the mission. 

"Right." She went to enter the cockpit. The door was locked which she hadn't been expecting.

"Locked?" Thorne asked.

"Ya give me a second." She knelt down and plugged in her port. Really it was an unnecessary step with the new tech on this thing but it made things easier. She had the door open in seconds.

"Ladies first." Thorne waited for her to enter before following. They started manually flying the ship back to earth but they didn't get to far before Wolf, Scarlet, Cinder and Kai came in. 

"Kai!" Her and Iko said at the same time. She ran over and gave him a hug. She couldn't help herself. Thorne put it into autopilot by himself.

"Who's.-" Kai started.

"Iko." Said Iko.

"Why do you keep switching body's on me?" Kai said.

"You won't believe what happened to my other one. Kinney-" Cinder cut her off.

"We need to go like now. We should still have thirty minutes till anyone wakes up but I don't want to chance it."

"I for one don't want to be here when anyone wakes up." Thorne said. That she was pretty sure they could all agree on. They started the journey back to the dock.

It seemed like they had been running for ages. This ship was too big. The dock was just down the hall now. She wasn't looking forward to the squishy ride but there was no way she was going to be on this ship a moment longer then she needed to be. Cinder slid her wrist over the scanner. Denied. The doors had been locked sense they arrived. She plugged in her port without hesitation to unlock the door. It slid open.

"Ther-" Kai's screams cut her off. She looked at him just as he crumpled to the ground in pain. It was even worse hearing it in person.

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