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Cinder was in a pod with Wolf, Cress and Thorne. She knew she was overreacting. This was the ship with Kai on it, not the ship with a trap. It made sense. They were never supposed to know Adri was involved. Or were they and this is the trap ship. Did they miss something. She couldn't know until they were on the ship. The anticipation was going to kill her but they were almost there.

"Opening the podship dock now." Cress's fingers pressed a few more buttons and the dock started to open. 

"Do we need to go over the plan one more time?" Thorne asked sarcastically. Though he was busy piloting and couldn't look back to see her she knew it was directed at her.

"Are you ever going to let that go?"

"No." She rolled her eyes. How could he be twenty-two. A big jolt startled her and may have given her minor whiplash as they docked. Just because you can fly doesn't mean you should she thought. Jacin's docking looked much more graceful.

"The dock is locked closed we can exit. I don't think they know we're here yet." Cress barely could finished her statement before she was out of that pod but then had to wait for everyone else. 

"We all know the plan. Me and Iko will lead the way until we bump into any..." Wolf was trying to be discreet but he was sniffing. 

"Is everything ok?" Please be nothing. She was finally getting Kai back.

"Sorry I thought I smelt something but it's gone now." Thank goodness.

"Let's move out." She loaded a tranquilizer into her hand. It felt good to have it back. She felt vulnerable without it but as queen she had had to get a normal hand. She took her place with Iko in the front. Jacin, Wolf and Kinney we're behind them with Cress and Thorne in the back. They started stocking through the halls towards the cockpit so that Cress and Thorne weren't caught fighting while the rest of them were elsewhere. As they got closer and closer she was starting to think they were on the trap ship. Nobody had come to stop them. They hadn't crossed anyone's path. The ship seemed empty.

"The cockpit's just around the corner." Iko said before she peaked around.

"Nobody's there but I can't see inside the cockpit." They started to move down the hall. They were all on edge. The door wasn't even locked they could just walk in. 

"On three." She whispered.

"One...     Two...      Three." She kicked the door open and started looking for targets but the room was empty for people.

"Let's fan out in this room, make sure there's no surprises. Kinney can you go guard the door." She started toward the cabinets on the left. This room was considerably bigger then the rampions. 

"Of course." He left the room. 

She was on her second cabinet when the big screen lit up. Kai was there... cleaning? He looked board but otherwise fine. Why would they show-. Then he winced and looked at something on his wrist before running out of that room. Then the video switched. Kai entered a room with Adri in it carrying tea. He gave it to her then stood off to the side. She started yelling something at him and he looked terrified. What were they doing to him she was just yelling. Videos of him cleaning and getting yelled at went on for a few minutes before switching to a room she hadn't seen yet. The room was white and had nothing in it. All three kidnapers were standing off to the side while he sat in the middle. Then the sound kicked in. 

"38 wrongs. You might numb to the pain if we keep it on for that long so you will repay it with interest other weeks." Adri was saying. 

"Interest?" He asked.

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