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Cinder was looking for Torin. She couldn't find him anywhere and he wasn't answering her comms. The last place she could think to look was with Kai. He wasn't in his office, room, he had no meetings, there was no press today, nowhere he had to be officially, Iko didn't even know where he was. She envied how he could just disappear like this. She couldn't catch a break. She walked into Kai's room. It still felt like getting hit by a bus whenever she saw him. The room was all decorated for when he woke up. She didn't see why they would go through the trouble when he was unconscious and would probably wake up in his own bed anyway. Made for a good room to wait in though. Torin was sitting on the sofa.

"Any news from the doctor?"

"No but I'm sure they're making progress." He didn't sound to optimistic about it. She touched her hand to the glass above Kai's face. Adri would pay for this. After breaking all the device's that could stop this. Then claiming innocent to it all. Apparently she was being controlled by Ryan. She found that hard to believe. Maybe she just wanted her to suffer seeing her in court. She never wanted to see her stepmom again even if it was to put her behind bars. 

"Oh, the court needs you to testify against Adri. Can I clear your schedule two days from now at two."

"Yes, of course."

"Great I'll comm the lawyer for you." She gave one last look to Kai and kissed the glass before heading to the door.

"Cinder." Torin called. She turned.


"Be strong." He said. She smiled. 

"I'm trying." She left the room to go do the mile long list she had. With Torin filling in as the emperor for what they predicted to be anywhere between next month and next year they decided to assign a new head advisor. Somehow Cinder had ended up with the role. It was more like he was mentoring her though. She ate up every piece of information he gave her. She wanted to be an empress that cared for her people, knew what was best for all of them. Not just the humans or the cyborgs or the lunars. They were all people. Starting with arresting Adri. She commed the crew next to see if they could come. They all responded within the hour and arrived the next day. It wasn't an ideal  circumstance but she was glad they were here.  

"Hey, are Winter and Jacin here yet?" Thorne asked.

"No, not yet." He turned to Scarlet. Her and wolf had caught a ride with them.

"Ha, told you I could make it here before them even if when left thirty minutes  later. He is that slow."

"You went over triple the speed you were meant to. Of course you did he followed the rules."

"We didn't decided on any rules." Scarlet rolled her eyes. From what she understood from the conversation she was trying so hard not to laugh.

"Dose the speed limit count?"

"Oh come on who follows the speed limit. It takes me ten minutes to get somewhere it takes the speed limit thirty."

"Everyone but you. Name one person other then you that goes triple the speed limit"

"Mike." Mike?! She almost broke into laughter but she wanted to see what happened next.

"Who's mike?" 

"A friend from prison but he still counts."

"Criminals don't count."

"Then you can't include me."

"Didn't you sign papers with the government, so your not a criminal?"

"Ya but I still beat Jacin." She couldn't help it she started laughing. Apparently everyone else had been thinking the same thing because the second she did everyone else broke. Of course that's when Jacin and Winter arrived. It just made everything funnier. None of them could stop long enough to say hi. Her stomach hurt by the time they stoped. They had tried to explain what had happened multiple times but nobody could get past the Mike part. They just  decided just to show them the security footage. 

The palace chefs had offered to make them dinner but Thorne had insisted they order pizza to the palace. She had to emit the employees reaction was always hilarious. Sometimes they would all go and pick it up. It was even better in person. She missed how Kai would always insist they ate the palace food. That we didn't need to bother other people to make them food. He always lost though because the pizza place tasted so much better. They ate the pizza in the ball room. It had become their spot. They could do anything in the huge, soundproof room. So music wouldn't bother others in the palace. Somehow they got in the topic of Kai.

"How is Kai by the way? Whats going on?" Scarlet asked. 

"He's fine, still in the suspended animation tank." She answered.

"Do they have a plan to get him out?" That was Thorne.

"Their working on a sedative twice as strong as the one they have now."

"Will that work? I thought the device stoped him from going unconscious." Jacin asked.

"The way the doctor explained it to me was that to simply keep him conscious with some device in his neck would be impossible. There are two ways to keep someone asleep or awake. That's either drugs or the huge tank. What Ryan's device did was simply build up a strength against falling unconscious for unnatural reasons like pain or drugs. So he could fall asleep like normal at night but not for other reasons. It will take a sedative twice as strong to override the strength it gives him."

"Never thought I would want Kai to be weak to something." Thorne said.


"Sorry but It's kind of brilliant." Jacin said.

"The doctor said the same thing."

"I should talk to him tomorrow. What's his name?"

"Dr. Hubbard." She got a comm.

Don't forget to sleep. There's a press meeting tomorrow. - Torin

She checked the time. It was only nine. She was surprised he was going to bed so soon.

I won't ;)

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