You're really going to hate me

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     Ok so my plan after this chapter was to reveal that it was Kate and her boyfriend that took Wolf and he is in San Diego. They are making an army of wolf soldiers for an undecided reason. When Thorne and Cress go back to negotiate custody of the child Kate offers that if they do something for her that she will be willing to do month on month off. Kate just wants Cress's skills and was going to dispose of them after but when Winter and Jacin get involved Jacin figures out her plan and they defeat her. Meanwhile Cinder is running the commonwealth with Torin. Before Kai wakes up Kate attacks the palace and Torin ends up dying.(Sorry I love him to and I have already been really mean to Kai but I needed to kill someone.) A month ish later Kai wakes up and it has been about 6 months to a year he has been asleep. I don't know if I told you how I was going to wake him but cinder makes a portable tank healing device thing and they do the surgery. He wakes up around the same time they kill Kate. 

     Then I was thinking I might skip to when they have kids. Pearl is now out of prison and Kates boyfriend is still alive. They team up and make more trouble. Kai as you might remember has forgotten some stuff and has that thing in his wrist. They use that to be able to inflict pain on Kai but only level 3.  It doesn't take as long to wake him as they have the tech they just need to find the thing in his wrist. (I have given this scene a lot of thought so I'm going to give you a lot of depth as to what happens the first time they use it.)  Kai is giving a press meeting on something, nothing important really. They need to be in close range to activate so they are pretending to be press. When they activate it Kai drops and everyone freaks out. Kai manages to say level 3. Side note Cinder knows what that means because after he woke up the first time they had a talk because Kai never wanted to feel pain like that again and well going through something like that messes with you head. Ok so Kai says level 3 and Cinder reaches into her calf and grabs a dart gun made with the tranquillizers that they made to do the surgery on Kai (Which they didn't use because it took over 3 years to prefect). Their kids where like what the hell are you doing mom and tried to protect their dad and everyone else was like holy shit she is aiming a gun at Kai and they tried to restrain her but she shot him with perfect accuracy. They cart Kai away and Torin was the only person that knew about this so he gets everyone off Cinder. 

     So that is all my plans and feel free to DM me anything I am usually really good with answering. And once again I'm sorry but this is way to much for me to write

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