Cinder was starting to loose hope. Between tracking the rampion and the pods. So many false leads. It had only been what 24 hours sense he was taken. When a normal person would file a missing persons report. After Jacin and Thorne had come back Cress tried to figure out who had taken them. If Kai had been on it or if it had been to distract them and had no luck so everyone had gone to bed. She didn't get a very good sleep though. Nightmares just as real as that fire one she sometimes had but listening to Kai scream then sob over and over again. Her brain sometimes replayed it in the day to. How was she going to get him back. Sometimes she wished she knew who it was that was torturing him like that. So she could blame it on a face. Not this random person off the streets. Her head hurt from trying to make tears that never came. 

"Hey how you doing?" Iko walked in the room. She was glad to have her best friend.

"Not great. I know he's only been gone for a day but what they're doing to him. What could cause a reaction like that?"

"I'm so sorry Cinder. I know this is hard but try to cheer up. We'll find him and I'm not here to talk about kai."

"Why you here then?"

"Well I was sent to tell you were going back to earth but you'll never guess what just happened." I wasn't in a mood to be happy but Iko could usually cheer me up.


"You know how I've been crushing on Kinney for like ever!"

"How could I not." 

"He did it he asked me out. We're going to do something on earth tonight."

"Really. He finally did it! That's great. Your going to have so much fun." She was happy for her. As an android she wasn't sure if he would do it. It was hard to be exited though without kai do do double dates with or be there like the best friend she knew she should be.  

"I know, do you want to help me pick what to wear?"

"I don't think you need any help in that department."

"No but you could probably use the distraction." She wasn't wrong but wrong type of distraction.

"Thanks Iko I appreciate it but no."

"Fine but come out of your room at least. Your missing a lot. Scarlet had gone crazy" What she wanted was to be alone, to find kai but Iko wasn't going to give her an option. She stood up and followed Iko out to join the crew.

They had just arrived at new Beijing palace. It felt like she was giving up on Kai, after looking for only a day. She was speed walking through he halls with a palace official.

"Are research team has found out that a guard named Ryan was watching the security room that day and he was the one to disable everything and delete some previous footage. We found his ID chip in the security room. Torin woke up yesterday five and a half hours after you left. He doesn't seem to know much but I'll let you talk to him yourself."

"Thank you where is he?"

"In a meeting. He is very busy as acting emperor."

"Comm him saying I want to talk to him in the gardens."

"Of course." 


"Tell me what you remember." She new not to get her hopes up but she needed him to know something useful.

"I remember trying to send a comm for Kai and it not going through. Then the door opened to a woman I think. That's the last I remember." 

"Could you describe this women?"

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