Chapter 16

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2 months later~

It's been a while since Cameron left, not to mention I'm two months prego. The kids are back in school and I have received my third promotion.

The puppies have grown a lot and the kids just adore them especially little Avery.

I wake up as I feel the pillow where Cameron slept as I wish he could at least send me a letter or something but for now I will have to continue with my life, I have two kids and one on the way and they are my priority.

I get ready and then wake up Nathan and Avery. Since nobody is home Avery had to go to the babysitters and then school. Once we are all dressed I usually carry Avery to the car and then we leave the house. I've been thinking about moving into a smaller house only because with one income now I can hardly pay for rent.

I stop in front of Nathan's school, "Bye sweetheart!" I yell outside the window and then once he's inside pull away. I have been relocated to a closer office so it's easier for my to get my kids in case of an emergency.

Later that day~

I'm don't with work at 2:30pm, then I go to pick Nathan and Avery has started riding the bus. When we get home there is a note but there is nobody's name on it but the "Dallas family" so I open it.

Dear Katie and kids.
It's Cameron, I am sorry I was not able to send you a letter until now. How is the kids? How is the baby? Anyways, I'm doing great here and I miss you guys dearly. Katie I love you so much and I hope you can forgive me for just walking out like that I should have discussed it with you.

I didnt know what to think at this point so I just threw it straight into the trash without hesitation. 

 "Do you want to go out for dinner Nathan?" I ask and he shakes his head yes, "Alright we will leave once Avery comes home." I say as I put a load of dishes into the dishwasher.

At 4:00~

  Once Avery arrived home we got ready to go our favorite resturant that was downtown. We got there and we were seated very quickly, we got our food and ate it and then we went home. That night was just a lazy night as I cried myself to sleep at my thoughts of Cameron and the line of fire that could be killing him right now but all I can do is try try try for my kids, I decided to write him back.

   Dear Cameron,

       Life here is difficult as I am going into my 3rd month of pregnancy without you, the kids are doing fine better than I exspected but I do believe its wearing on Nathan. I may be loosing the house because of low income so we may be looking for a smaller house that will work for now. Cameron about when you left when you didnt say I love you back it haunted me and it still does but I want you to know no matter how much I am upset with you, you are my end and my buginning and I love you truly.

                                                                                   You love, 

                                                                                                 Katie and kids.

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