Chapter 31

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I sit in Cameron and I's room and place my head in my palms and cry.

Cameron came in a few times but he knows I don't feel like talking all I need to do is cry it out, if you wondering why I am crying it's because Jamie.

Before we left to move here she told me that they found Cancer but she refused to tell me where.. I got a call today that broke my heart into thousands of pieces.

(I don't think this is how it went in the other book but oh well!)

"Dad!" I wake him up by shaking him trendily, "wake up!" I shout louder waking both him and Jamie up.

"Katie what?" I burry my head into the palms of my hands and cry.

"They," I began. "They found mom." I think he knew what had happened but we both knew this wasn't good on me or the baby (Nathan).

He holds me close and by the look in Jamie's eye I knew she was jealous but sorry at the same time.

Flashback over.

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