Chapter 7

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I got home and started packing, it wasn't until I had to go get Nathan and Avery till I was done.

I got in my car and drove to Nathan's school first then Avery.

"Hey." I smile as he gets into the car, no reply but I didn't say anything about it.

When we got to Avery's school I had to go inside to pick her up for security reasons.

I ask, "Do you want to come?"


"Alright." I get out of the car and sign in to get her, she was so happy to see me. She ran up to me and gave me a kiss and a huge hug!!

I said, "daddy's home." And she gets even more excited. I'm going to miss my baby girl.

When we got home Nathan went straight up to his bedroom and locked himself in, I have no idea what to do with him.

"Daddy!" Avery yells walking into the door.

"Avery!" He shouts back coming around the corner and she screams and runs up to him, they are really cute. The only thing is Avery isn't Cameron's daughter.

"Okay Avery we got to go pack a bag for Lucy's house." I tell her and we go upstairs.

After I got finished I knocked on Nathan's door.

"Open the door Nathan." I say calming but he doesn't.


"Nathan Lee Dallas right now." I get a bit ruder.

Later that night~

I hear the doorbell go off so I'm assuming it's Lucy, I open the door and there with her suit case was Lucy.

"Come in." I invite her inside opening the door wider, then shutting it.

"Nathan! Get down here please!" I shout for him and he comes down the stairs.

"You have two hours of games left tonight and your limited to time this weekend, go outside darling." I tell him kissing his forehead.

"Okay." He stomps away upset by Cameron and I's decision.

"There is plenty of food in the fridge, help yourself." I tell her walking into the kitchen.

"Are you ready?" Cameron asks.

"Yes, come here Avery." I say and she comes to me looking like she's about to cry.

"It's okay baby girl." I pick her up and she hugs me. "Momma will be home soon." I smile and her tears fall from her eyes as I set her back down.

"Thanks so much Lucy." I say before leaving, I shut the door and the noise of Avery's cries come to an end.

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