Chapter 28

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I just got done dropping the two older kids off at Lucy's as Max and I go drop stuff off at the post office so it can be shipped and then after we get to pick up daddy! He's been gone for only three days but I miss having him here with three kids.

Our house is about empty because we leave tomorrow for Michigan and then I start my job in a few weeks but the kids start their new school Monday which for I would be terrifying but I know that they will be strong.

Later that day:

I got a text from Cameron saying that he was in Dakota which made me very excited in many ways, 1. We are back together and 2. We'll be moving tomorrow.

Next morning:

The bright and early sun arose as the fog rose from the cold grass. These were my favorite days.

Cameron and I both woke up early to get a few more things done and also so I could feed Max. We had planned to leave by 10:30 but of course we knew that wouldn't happen but at 7:00 sharp I woke Nathan up just so we could have an extra hand and also because he can help with Max, however we allowed Avery to sleep. It was now 8:30 and we have everything ready to leave and now we could leave.

Cameron carried Avery and I carried Max to the car, before placing him inside I turned around peering to our old house that was ours for as long as I can remember, "Bye home." Then I continue to buckle in Max and Avery.

I look at Nathan and smile, "Ready?" I kiss his forehead and he smiles and shakes his head.

We left around eleven which made both Cameron and I proud because usually we leave hours behind our dated time.

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