Chapter 38

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It's been a few weeks and we decided to go on vacation with our whole family to.... CALIFORNIA!!

I'm mostly excited to chill on the warm hot beaches with Cameron and our kids for the first time in what feels like forever but I know it was just 9 months ago.

"Welcome to California children," cameron laughs as we drive past the sign the signals we are now arriving to California.

"Oh my gosh Cameron, I love you."

"I know," he smiles at me.


We arrive at our hotel and then get settled in. By this time it's almost seven o'clock. I put Max to bed and then shortly Avery and Nathan stayed up watching TV but before midnight he fell asleep on the couch.

"How has work been?" Cameron asks as he sets down the newspaper he had.

"Okay, it's hard to be home alone with three kids," I say, but I knew it was for out family.

"I'm really sorry Katie, I wish I could be home more," I shake my head yes, "I know," I add.

I sit up on his stomach and kiss him lips..... We trail off and magically when we wake up it morning (you guys know what they did).


I wake up and my whole lower body aches in pain. I get up and start making breakfast for the kids, Cameron and of course ourself. When I Finnish I make Maxs, and Avery's plate then called them to it. On the couch laying there is Nathan who is still asleep from the traveling.

"Good morning," I say giving Max him food.

"Mommy Avery and I slept together in the same room!" He tells me.

"I know baby," I smile and laugh too.

Cameron walks out of where we slept in swim trunks, and no shirt on.

"Ew daddy put a shirt on!" Avery dad from the other doorway. I laugh.

"Avery, Nathan," I pause. "Time to eat." By this time Nathan is awake.

"Yay," Nathan says but he's still tired as hell, he says that then slowly falls back down on his side.

"Come on Nathan, we have stuff to do," I say again and Cameron is walks over to hit picking my his feet and wiggling them to wake him up, but it's just made him pissed.

"Stop dad!" He yelled angrily.

"Damn Nathan calm down," he says but I understand where Nathan is coming from.


Everyone ate, everyone is dressed and we are ready to leave the hotel finally to begin our day. Our first stop is of course a zoo, one of the best in fact.

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