Chapter 39

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 I get out of bed and start my day by making tea, then making me toast and eggs. Latley I have been empty as nobody is here, nobody to talk to. I miss my family.

 Since last month I packed up and moved all the way here to Canada, miles and miles away from my kids, husband and most of all my life. I left a lot there including a part on me. I know I am making it sound like someone died but honesly it feels like it.

 Someone knocks on the door as I walk to it and answer it. Its my boss who is dressed very fancy in a long tube shirt with a while shirt tucked in and a dress coat on.

 "Haley," I say but I didnt want to see her right now but I had no choice.


  I look next to me to ensure that Cameron is by me. Happily, he is. 

 "Cameron," I whisper in his ear as he smiles to the sound of my voice.


 "We should get the kids up and ready, we gotta leave at one," the clock reads it 12:30 which doesnt even give us time to stop down to the buffet before we depart. 

 "Alrighty," he says and then exits the bed and before too long I follow him into the bathroom where he has began to undress himself and redress himself in clean, nice clothes. I other wise use the restroom then brush my teeth. Before I exit I puke.


So I wrote this in a library and well I only had 30 minutes to do so this isnt a lot, sorry! there will be more to come once I am done walking around with the bae <3 anyways I got a kitty for my birthday and he has three legs, named him Leroy :D bye guys!

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