Chapter 37

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I was woken up multiple times last night to Max crying, I think he may have the flu or something so today it's my turn to take time off work to take him to his doctor (I don't mind) but the lack of getting money completely sucks.

"Okay have a good day!" I shout out to Nathan and Avery who are halfway up to the school doors already then off I am to the appointment.


We check in and within 10 minutes of waiting we are called back, questions are shot into the air, then we wait for Dr. Smith to come in.

Once he did he checked him out at at the end of the appointment he diagnosed him with sinus infection and that he need to stay home from school till at least Friday.

On the way home I decided to be a good mom, and get him fast food. Then home we went.

"Do you wanna take a nap?" I ask but of course he wanted to go downstairs where our family TV is and watch Spider-Man.

"Hunny your sick, you need rest," I pause. "How about I put a movie in your room while you lay down?" I ask.

"No mommy no!" He literally screams and starts to cry, I grab my lab top and me and him move down to the basement so I could work from home while he watches this gay movie for the 100th time (no offense).

When the clock read ; 3:30 I started getting him into the car to get the other two from school. Once we get there I pull up to the front where I sit and wait in the beating hot sun while in the back Max is re playing scenes from Spider-Man.

"Mom!" I hear from the open window, it's Avery.

"How was school?" I ask as she opens the passenger door.

"It was awesome, I have homework though," I shake my head and smile.

"Then you need to start when we go home," a little girl, of course her age and a mother walk up to the car.

"Did you ask?" The other girl asked Avery while I sit here clueless.

"Mom can I go home with Macie? We will do homework together," she says to me but I'm unsure, one I have no idea who the hell they are and two I don't know where they live.

"I don't know darling," I say and her smiling face turns into a sad frown.

"We will be more than happy to take her home at six, or even sooner," the mother to the girl says.

I make eye contact with Avery and her face spoke to me saying "please mommy" and like that I sent her off without knowing where they live.

Nathan comes and we drive home.

"Any homework?" I ask driving home.

"Yup," he pauses as he looks out the window. "I may need help from dad."

My kids always want help from Cameron.. Cameron, cameron and more cameron! I felt left out to be completely honest but I knew they loved me either way.


Life went on, and here in the Dallas house ever thing was the same, cameron is never home, and we keep having babies but I love it.. I went from having my mother and dad to having no mom to having nobody to have a wonderful family that I wouldn't change in a heart beat besides adding of course!

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