Chapter 4

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When I got home Cameron was already home but when I looked at the clock it was only six, that's not like him.

I walk in and set the keys down and walk to the kitchen.

"Why are you home so early." I ask.

"They sent me home early because they found out Avery was sick." He says giving Avery some crackers.

"Okay, did you pay Lucy?" I ask and he shakes his head yes. I walk into the closet and place my coat,shoes and purse in and then walked upstairs.

I open Nathan's door and saw Nathan on his Xbox One.

"Nathan, you need to get off that right now." I tell him.

"But mom!" He raises his voice.

"You can get on it after dinner." I tell him.

"But!"- I cut him off.

"Now or you won't get back on at all." I say and he shuts it off.

"Do you have homework?" I ask.

"No." He says.

"What do you want for dinner?"

"Mac n cheese and chicken!" He smiles and I smile.

"Okay." I say as I laugh and we go downstairs.

Cameron and Avery were sitting at the table, Cameron is the best father Avery could ask for even though he's not her biological father.

"Are you two up for chicken and Mac n cheese?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen.

"Yea." Cameron looks at me smiling.

"Alright I'll get started." I smile and then go to the fridge to grab out the chicken then to the pantry to get Mac n cheese. It took around an hour for the food be completely finished.

"Okay guys, it's done." I say grabbing plates out of the cabinet. I grab two for Avery and myself.

"Thanks baby." Cameron comes and kisses my lips softly.

After dinner I loaded a pile of dishes into the dishwasher before giving Avery a bath then put her to bed around eight thirty.

I walk down the hall before going downstairs but I make a stop at Nathan's room.

"You have until nine hun." I peek my head threw the door then close it. I walk downstairs and I see Cameron on the couch smiling at me so I go and sit next to him but I cuddle into armpit.

"Our anniversary is coming up this weekend, we should go away." He looks at me.

"We should huh." I smile and he shakes his head. "Where should we go?" I ask.

"We should go to the Bahamas." He smiles.

"Are you serious?" I sit up very serious.

"Babe yes." He says.

"We can't afford it." I tell him.

"Well I already got two plan tickets and a hotel room so, we are going leaving Friday night." I smile and hug him.

"I love you." He smiles.

"I love you too." As he kisses my lips with a passion.

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