Chapter 22

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7 months pregnant:

I cannot believe I am almost full term but I sad part is, it's without Cameron.

I woke up to the beaming sun into my bedroom and onto the pillow where Cameron use to lay but now it's empty but I do have to admit that having the whole bed to myself is amazing.

I get up and start downstairs to get breakfast done but thankfully it's Saturday. Once I'm finished making food I walk upstairs and got the kids but Nathan was still sleeping and Avery was in the corner of her room with her legs up to her chest.

I walk in quietly, "Foods ready darling." I tell her but no peep comes out, "Everything okay?" I ask and she nods her head yes but I knew she wasn't telling the truth.

I wait and then she turned around and her eyes are puffy from crying, "Mom?" She says, "Yes babe?" I begin.

"When is daddy coming home?" She asks me but I don't know this answer myself.

"Soon baby soon." I kiss her forehead, "There is food downstairs, wanna come?" I stick my hand out for her to grab it and after a few seconds she takes my hand as we smile at each other. We walk downstairs and once we reach downstairs there is a knock at the door but when I answer it nobody was there but a note in an envelope so I opened it.

Dear you,
You don't know how much I want to come home but right now isn't the time but I miss you and the kids, I hope you'll take into consideration that you'll name the baby Nick it's a wonderful name.

I place the note down as Avery was shouting for me, but the whole time I thought about it why wasn't he telling me anything else or why didn't he directly put my name? I was distracted.

Two weeks later:

I'm 37 weeks today and I'm getting worried Cameron won't be there to hold my hand and I am guessing Jamie won't either because after what she told me...

I received another letter but he didn't sound anything like he had in the letter before so I decided to write him about that as well,

Dear Cameron,
I've been worried about us ex specially after that note you send me about three weeks ago but please tell me your coming home because I'm afraid I'm giving up slowly at a time and I am trying to stress for this baby.
Your love, Katie

I want him back home.. I need him back home.

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