Chapter 11

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3 weeks later~

Cameron and I have been super busy with work, from promotions,to long hours causing the kids to stay at the babysitters house most nights. I can see where Nathan gets upset most days but what can we do to keep out family going? I grab my purse,keys and phone, "Avery and Nathan time to leave!" I shout to the upstairs portion on the house as they both come down with their bags.

"Why do we have to go?" Nathan asks, I have no idea how many times I've tried to explain. "Nathan, it's only for a night. I can't leave you two home alone." I say.

"I hate Lucy!" He had a fit. I look at him and give out a loud groan, "Well your going to grandma Jamie's." I say and he smiles, "Okay." He laughs and we walk out the door. Even thought Jamie is no longer related to me I still want her in m life along with my sisters, "We're here guys." I pull into the long drive way that at some point lead up to her house. Jamie is now re married to a very nice man, sure he's not my father but he's still very kind to my and my kids.

I ring the door bell as John, her husband answer, "Hello." I hug him as he hugs me.

"Come in." He says as all three of us come in. "I'd really love to run but I've gotta go I am so sorry." I hug Avery and Nathan then leaving really quick but only because we 1. Have a surprise for Nathan and Avery and 2. We have to prepare.

At the store~

Cameron and I went to the local store that carries animal stuff, we bought food dishes,toys,a pink lease and some food. Our surprise to the kids is where getting them each a....... DOG! So we are bringing two dogs into the family but their smaller.

My phone rings and as I check the number it's the rescue shelter.. But they weren't suppose to call till tomorrow...

"Hello?" I asked worried, "Mrs.Dallas, we have some happy news! Your selected dogs can be taken home tonight if you want." I smile and drop my jaw so Cameron didn't worry, "That's great! I'm going to go right away." I hang up.

"Cameron we can pick them up tonight." He smiles and we check out really quick because they close not too shortly.


We get to the shelter as they were just about to lock up but they were kind enough to allow us to get them which made us very happy.

"Please sign here." The worker asked and I was more than happy too. The puppies are so adorable and I couldn't wait till Avery and Nathan seen them.

We just went home and went to sleep as the puppies slept with us!


Soo my chapters are kinda boring and there are no point to them but the puppies are cute :) a.k.a their based on my rl dogs

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