Chapter 13

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I kept my mouth shut with any news until later tonight when we are going to work.

"Bye." I say and walk out the door. I didn't kiss nobody good bye I just left, I didn't feel right.

I opened the door and sat there for a while as I try not to cry. I promised myself.. I did.

I didn't exactly go to work, I went to Jamie's because I knew she would understand what I'm thinking... I don't know what I want to say but I know I need to get this off my chest.

I knock and she opens the door, "Hey darling." She was expecting me. "Hi." I hug her.

"Why do you tell him." She tells me first of all, "Jamie I don't want anymore kids and he knows that, what am I suppose to do?" I sit down across from her.

"You can't get rid of this baby. Not by abortion,not by adoption." She tells me but I know what I want and nobody can tell me different.

"I really don't want anything to happen I just don't know.. Getting pregnant the third time really brings memories back from my childhood how happy I was with my parents." I say and she understood, she lost her parents as well at a very young age. We talked but I still decided to keep it a secret.

I went home and went to bed leaving Cameron alone along with the kids.

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