Chapter 2

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We didn't leave Jamie's until around 9 o'clock. When we got home Avery was out cold and Nathan eyes were sleepy. After I got them to bed I took a quick shower waiting for Cameron to come home.

I heard the door open and close so I walked to the entry room to find him in his tux smiling at me.

"How was you day?" I smile as I asked him the question.

"So busy, finally get to come home and relax." He walks over to me peeking me lips.

"Are you hungry?" I ask rubbing his shoulder.

"I ate with a co-worker." He says and I smile as he walks to put his coat in a he closet, I turn around and he disappears around the corner into the family room as I just go upstairs. I open Nathan's door and he's on his Xbox.

"Nathan, time for bed." I remind him.

"Okay mom." He says and I close the door but I can still hear the guns going off. I check on Avery and she's still sleeping peacefully. I walk into Cameron and Is room and lay on the bed soon my thoughts drift into a heavy sleep.

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