Chapter 25

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Few days later~

I've gotten use to Cameron being around again thank god because I missed him, Avery got so excited the next morning when he got her up for school like he use to.

My due date was three days ago which means we are getting closer, we have been looking for house because I have been offered a job in Michigan but we are sorta eh about it.

I'm off on maternity leave finally so I can relax, while Cameron is at work making money for us.

I was eating ice cream when all of the sudden I feel something wet come out of me and slides into the couch, UH OH!

I dial Cameron's cell, "Cameron you need to come home as soon as possible, my water broke." He gets really serious and rushes home, his work isn't too far away so he gets here in 5-10 minutes.

"Cameron I need to go now I think I am in labor." I say and he carries me out and with our luck there is a horrible accident, "It's gonna be awhile." He announces and I can't wait, "Cameron come back here I can feel the head crowning." His eyes biggen in his eye sockets and he hurried. There are cars surrounding us so people are looking at us.

"Okay baby I see him, are you ready?" He asks and I shake my head before in my head I count 1...2...3.. PUSH! I push and I could feel his head out of my whom.

"I see his head." He says and I pass out.

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