Chapter 10

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I was the first to wake up, so being the wife I made us bath a cup of coffee. Cameron woke up a few hours after me.

I said, "Good morning babe." Kissing him.

"Can't believe we leave tonight." He says. I look at me, "I know right!" I laugh kissing his chin as I'm in his embrace.

"I've got a surprise for you." He walks to his suit case grabbing this black jewelry box but it's larger than a ring box. "What is that?" I say covering my mouth.

He comes closer opening the box, there laying was my mothers perl necklace. I don't know how he got it but ever sense I was a little girl I've wanted it.

"Cameron, that's my mothers isn't it?" I look into his eyes as my vision got blurry at the tears gathering into my eyes as he shook his head yes.

"Your dad wanted me to give it to you when I thought time was right, right now it right." He takes it out of the box and puts it around my neck as I put my head into his neck and cry with joy. I love Cameron so much he's an amazing father and an awesome hubby.

Later that night~

Cameron packed out bags because we get to go home, it's happy and sad at the same time.

I look at the necklace in the bathroom mirror as the memories of my mother and father flood into my mind, my mother dying, my father beating me but now their both dead and how I'm not over it still about five years later. "Katie it's time to go." Cameron shouts as I rush wiping my tears in my eyes and placing counselor under my eyes.

I walk out and he has both our suit cases and ready to go, I grab mine away from him and walk out. As I walk to the lobby I almost loose myself but instead I put a fake smile on my face.

The plain ride was soothing but when it went BOOM BOOM! I couldn't wait to see the kids, I wake up Cameron and he wakes up easily.

We are aloud to exit the plain and I hurried. I really wanted to see Nathan and Avery. As we walk out of terminal I see Nathan,Avery and Lucy as Avery gets really excited and starts running up to us. She jumps into my arms and I kiss her forehead.

"Mommy!" She screams and I laugh at her cuteness but the angry airport worker said she can't be past the line so I run so we are behind it.

Nathan hugs Cameron and I.

"Did you have fun?" Nathan asked. "We did, but I missed you guys very much." I say setting Avery on her feet and grabbing her hand. Lucy drove us home then went home. I was glad to be home!

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