Chapter 36

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Hey thanks for all the reads it makes me so happy! Anyways I'm going to skip until Nathan is in 6th grade(a long time) but there is nothing more for now.


It's finally back into the school year and happily all three of the kids are going to school including Max but he's in preschool, he's only four.

I wake them up and get them ready and we are out the door by time, then myself I'm back home.

After work I stop to pick up Max and then wait at home for the other two, they get home around 3:30.

"How was school?" I ask them feeding Max some apple slices.

"I made a new friend!" Max gets excited and it's so cute to watch him hop up and down with his excitement.

"That's good," I kiss his forehead and signal for him to sit back down before he falls a few feet off the island chair.

"Daddy's not going to be back until late tonight, want to eat out or order pizza?" I ask but knew it was going to be a yes.


Short,boring.. I gotta sleep sorry for not posting will make sure I post tomorrow if not surly by Saturday I should have something up ;) bye guys good night

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