Chapter 30

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Today is my very first day at my new job in Michigan.. And it's really weird to be honest because I'm away from Jamie and my sisters.

"Come on kids!" I shout from downstairs like we use to do every morning.

Avery comes downstairs with a weird look on her face, "What's wrong babe?" I ask but before I knew it there was vomit all over her and the floor..

"Oh god damn! I've got my first day of work today Avery." I say because I can't miss this. Cameron was already gone.

"Sorry mom." She says but I know it wasn't her fault, "It's okay baby girl."

I called Cameron and he came as soon as possible so I could get Nathan to school, and myself to work.

My first day of work was alright, it was a blur because Cameron kept trying to reach my threw phone but I was too busy learning everything about my new office.

On my way home I bought pizza because tonight I wasn't going to cook at all, all I wanted to do was sleep but having three kids that's not going to happen.

"Mom!" Avery calls from the bathroom and I rush to her side as she was about to puke again. After she was finished I gave her a warm bath and put her to bed while Nathan,Cameron and I enjoyed the pizza. I put Max to bed and took myself a shower then fell asleep very quickly.

It didn't help much because around mid night I was up with Avery puking and because Cameron isn't her dad I say I will do it but being an amazing person he lets me sleep while he help out. I Love Him..!

Author note:

You seem to enjoy this book and reads keep shooting up higher and higher THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

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