Chapter 3

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The sound of the loud alarm clock wake up both me and Cameron. I rub my eyes before getting up.

I walk into our bathroom and wash my face, then I pick my outfit out. Once I get dressed I go to Nathan's room to wake him up.

"Nathan baby, time to wake up." I start quietly and then get louder but not too loud.

"Okay." His sleepy voice tells me and so I then turn on the light. I go downstairs to make Nathan and Avery's lunch but Cameron wakes Avery up later because she goes to preschool when Cameron goes to work. Once the clock reads seven o'clock I walk upstairs to make are sure Nathan's ready and most days he is.

"Time to leave sunshine." I tell him as I open his door.

"Okay." He grabs his all black book bag and we walk downstairs. We get into the car and we drive 10 minutes to his school. I pull into the drop off part of the parking lot and drop him off.

"Have a good day Nathan." I tell him and pull away from the school. I work as a social worker so I drive to my office however I stop by and grab a coffee from McDonald's and occasionally something to eat but today I wasn't hungry. Where I work is an hour away so I leave a bit earlier cause the highway is hectic in the morning. I park my car and get out, locking it as I walk away. As I grab my key to the building my phone rings.

"Hello." I answer, it's Cameron.

"Avery is sick." He tells me and I let out a huff.

"I'll call the baby sitter." I say and hang up.

I type in the baby sitters number and call her.

"Hello!" She says excited for my call.

"Hi Lucy, I was wondering if you could watch Avery she's sick today." I say as I walk threw the halls of the building to get to my office.

"Of course I'll start getting ready right now." She tells me and I smile.

"Thank you so much." I say and we both hang up, I then notify Cameron.

"Mrs.Dallas." I hear from behind me I turn around and it's my boss.

"Yes." I say politely.

"There are a few kids you need to go check out today, there urgent." I shake my head and look down the hall to my glass box office and smile.

"Yes ma'am, I get going on that." I say and start walking to my office. I get into my office and shut my door also closing the blinds so nobody can see me.

I get out the paper work and look at the addresses there in a town 2 hours away from here. I grab my purse and keys and let the entrance office lady I'm leaving for investigation.

I get into my car and then start driving to the homes. I get there are twelve o'clock and knock on he door.

"Who are you." The lady comes to the door with a baby in her hands with nothing but a diaper on.

"I'm Katie Dallas and I am apart of the child protected service." I tell her and she looks at me.

"Come in." She allows me to enter.

"So do you have a job?" I ask.

"No I lost it just last year." She tells me and I write it down on the clip board.

"So you have three kids correct?" I ask.

"Yes two of them are with their dad." She places the baby on the dirty ground, the house was a mess!

By time I finished with both homes it was around two.

I dialed the baby sitters number.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Could you pick up Nathan? I'm running a little late." I ask.

"Of course I will." She says happily.

"Thanks so much bye." I hang up. The whole ride home was exhausting.

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