Nathan Imagine for Christine

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You lifted up your heavy white dress as you stepped onto the train.

It was 10:30pm and you were the only person in your carriage.

The train journey from London to Gloucester would take at least an hour, so you sat down and took a deep breath.

And then came the tears.

You sobbed loudly into your hands and gladly let the long dress soak up your tears; what was supposed to be the happiest day of your life turned out to be the saddest.

Today you were going to be married to your fiancé after differing the wedding for a year. But, as it turns out, in that year your fiancé had been cheating on you with a model, something you are not.

She was invited to the wedding and objected to the marriage, which your fiancé gladly agreed with, and they ran off together leaving you heartbroken and leaving London to go back to your home town.

Which leaves off here.

Alone and heartbroken on your wedding day.

You were so lost in thought that you didn't even notice that you were pulled into a soft hug by an unknown person. After a few minutes your subconscious finally screamed at you;

'WAKE UP!! Some random person is hugging you when you're at your most vulnerable!'

The person let go of you and you looked up to see dazzling green eyes that you instantly fell in love with.

"I'm sorry for-" The man started but you shakily cut him off.

"No, it's okay. Thank you." He pulled you into another hug which you gladly accepted.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" He gestured to your dress.

"Oh, just regular fiancé-cheating-and-leaving-on-wedding-day sort of thing." You sniffled, trying to make a joke but failing.

"Really? That's terrible." The man said sounding a bit shocked.

"Why do you sound so surprised?" You asked.

"Umm, well, it's just... Who would leave a beautiful girl like you?" He said shyly and you blushed.

"I'm Christine, by the way." You said, trying to cool your face down.

"I'm Nathan." He replied.

"Where are you getting off then?" You asked in attempt to make casual conversation.

"Gloucester," Nathan answered.

"No way! Me too!"

"Awesome! I just love it there, don't you?"

"Yes! It's absolutely gorgeous! I hated leaving; I was supposed to move in with my fiancé in London but I guess I'll be moving back now." You said, your happy mood suddenly fading.

"So, if your staying there, would you maybe like to meet up some time?" Nathan asked shyly.

"Yes, I would love that." You replied and exchanged phone numbers. You two kept talking until you had to go your separate ways, but promised to meet up soon.

Maybe the end of a relationship would mean the start of a new one...




~ Lizzie 😘

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