Nathan Imagine for Rosalina

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You walked into Starbucks to grab a drink for your boss.

You hurriedly ordered, already being late, and then took the drink and rushed out of the door.

On the way out you bumped into a familiar person you never thought you'd see again.

It was your best friend from high school, Nathan Sykes.

"Rosalina?!" He asked.

"Nathan?! Hi how have you been?" You asked politely even though you were late for work.

"I've been great, how are you?"

"I'm good, I'm also late for work so I better get going!" You said not wanting to leave.

"Oh yeah sorry. How about we meet up at some point to properly catch up?" Nathan suggested which you eagerly agreed to.

After saying your goodbyes you ran off to work where you got into trouble for being late, but you didn't care knowing you were going to meet up with your best friend later!


You strolled through the park near your house next to Nathan. You had missed these times since you left high school.

"...So that's what I've been up to since high school, what about-"

"I missed you Nathan. I guess I never realised it until now, but I really have missed you." You interrupted him and you both went silent for a moment.

"I missed you too Rosalina. Maybe more than you missed me. And I didn't get the chance to do something I really had to in school."

This instantly confused you. What didn't he do?

"I've regretted it because we both went our separate ways and I didn't get the chance to tell you how I really feel about you."

Something clicked then and you thought you knew what was coming.

"Rosalina, I really like you... And I want to become more than just friends. Will you go out with me?"

"Yes Nathan! Yes yes yes!"

You pulled him in for a hug and hoped that this was the beginning of something new.


Requests are still open!

~ Lizzie 😘

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