Pref 1) Cute Dates

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You were getting ready for a date with Tom. He had just invited you to the premiere of MockingJay Part 1 and you couldn't wait!

You had finished putting on mascara when there was a knock at the door. You slipped on your silver high heels and opened the front door. Standing outside, looking handsome as ever, was your amazing boyfriend Tom.

"Hello beautiful," Tom said, taking your hand and leading you to a limo.

You gasped and asked, "Is this for us?" Tom shrugged nonchalantly.

"I thought we'd travel in style." He smiled, letting go of your hand and gesturing for you to get in. You stepped in and your eyes widened at the bar and hot tub!

"This must have cost a fortune, Tom!" You said.

"Anything for you love." He replied, making you blush.

You heard cameras click as Tom placed his lips on yours.


"Mornin' babe," You heard the Irish accent of your boyfriend wake you up.

"Good morning Seev," You replied yawning.

"What do you want to do today?" He asked, kissing your cheek.

"Nothing." You replied immediately.

"Sounds good." He said.

You were just about to go back to sleep when you felt arms around your waist and you were lifted out of bed. "Aah! Noooo, Seev I want to sleeeeeeeeeeep!!!"

You giggled as your strong boyfriend dragged you downstairs on his back. He gently dropped you on the sofa and said, "Stay here."

He disappeared out of the room for a minute and then came back with armfuls of blankets and pillows. "I've also ordered pizza," He said and then dropped everything on you.

"Hey!" You complained from under all the pillows. Seev pulled them off your face and showed you another handful of Disney movies!!!

You squealed, you had always loved classic Disney movies! For the rest of the day you and your amazing boyfriend watched movies and ate junk food.


You had just finished curling your hair to get ready for a movie date with your boyfriend. He was taking you to see The Fault in our Stars and you couldn't wait!

You unplugged the curlers and looked at your reflection in the mirror, you looked gorgeous! Only a minute later there was a knock at the door.

You walked downstairs in your silver high heels and opened the door to find your handsome boyfriend waiting for you. "Wow, you look... Stunning." Max complimented. You blushed and thanked him.

Then he took your hand and you walked to the local cinema. When you arrived you found your seats and sat down, Max putting his arm you.

Two hours later you were flooded with tears at the dreadfully upsetting movie. As you two walked out Max held your hand and comforted you, trying to make you stop crying because you knew he hated it.

Even with your tears it was still a great date.


"Good evening m'lady," You laughed at Jay's attempt to act posh.

"Shall we go?" He asked, smiling at your laugh.

"We shall." You played along. Jay took your hand and led you to his car where you got in the passenger seat. He got in the driver seat and drove off to a posh restaurant.

You both got out of the car and Jay took your hand again, leading you into the place. He already had a reservation and you immediately got seated. You were definitely enjoying the scenery but you felt extremely out of place.

You thought Jay noticed. "Are you okay? You can tell me, I won't be offended."

"Umm, I kinda feel a bit out of place with all these posh people around." You said honestly, hoping he didn't mind.

"Me too, I thought you would like this place but I guess not." Jay sighed, sounding kind of deflated.

"Aww Jay, that's so sweet of you to think of me. This could still be a good date though, should we get McDonalds?" You asked and a grin instantly appeared on Jays face.

You spent the rest of the evening eating McDonalds Drive-Thru and laughing at Jays bad jokes.


You and Nathan were on a date in London. He had taken you specially because he knew you wanted to see all the Christmas lights in Trafalgar Square.

You two were walking down the road towards Trafalgar Square when all of a sudden you heard screaming from behind you, but not 'I'm in trouble' screaming, more like 'oh my gosh' screaming.

You and Nathan turned around to see a large group of screaming teenage girls running towards you. You inwardly sighed knowing these were fans and they were going to steal Nathan from you.

"Umm, babe can I go and-"

"Yeah, of course." You said, knowing instantly what he was going to say.

"Are you sure? I don't have to." Nathan checked uncertainly.

"No you do, go on." You convinced him and faked a smile, no-one could tell the difference though. You sat down on a nearby bench and played on your phone for five minutes.

Suddenly a persons shadow stopped you from seeing your phone, you were about to yell at the person when you saw their face.

"Nathan? You're back already?" You asked, putting your phone away.

"Yes I am. And now that's over let's continue our date." He smiled at you, taking your hand in his. You smiled and enjoyed the rest of your date.


Hope you liked the first set of preferences!

More next Friday but until then do you have any more ideas?

I have major writers-block so I have none, please help!!

New chapter of Fallen on Sunday!

~ Lizzie 😘

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