Nathan Imagine for Lauren

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You were getting ready to go out on a date with your boyfriend of four years, Nathan Sykes, you loved him more than life itself!!
As you finished curling your hair, you looked in the mirror and sighed. But not with sadness, with happiness.
You looked absolutely stunning in your turquoise knee-length dress, sparkly silver heels and matching silver necklace. You held the charm on the necklace in the palm of your right hand and sighed, again from joy. Nathan had bought you this necklace on your third anniversary and you wore it whenever you could.
You walked downstairs to find Nathan waiting patiently for you at the bottom of the stairs, when he noticed you coming downstairs he moved his game from his phone to you and his mouth dropped open. You grinned with satisfaction as you loved seeing this reaction from him.
"You look just... Wow." Nathan said almost breathlessly. You took his breath away! You approached Nathan and held out your hand. He took it and led you into your kitchen. You were really confused for a moment; you were meant to be going out somewhere. But then you realised what he was doing as you entered the kitchen.
The lights got dimmer as you walked in kitchen where you saw it was lit only by candles, you thought this gesture was very sweet and romantic. The table was laid neatly and there were little confetti hearts all over it, you smiled to yourself loving how Nathan always thinks of the small things in life.
Then it hit you; Nathan wasn't holding your hand anymore.
You turned away to the right and saw Nathan and you gasped.
Nathan was down on one knee and a poster behind him said 'Marry me?'
You were amazed by this and knew your answer instantly. Being able to find no words you just nodded silently and happily.
Nathan smiled looking relieved and happy too. He slid the beautiful diamond ring onto your ring finger and stood up.
You instantly embraced him in a hug, and only just managed to find words.
"I love you. Forever."
That was a really bad one I'm so sorry!
I've had major writers block since... Forever. 😔
But I should have another imagine coming soon!
Also read my fanfiction: Fallen please!!!
~ Lizzie 😘

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