Nathan Imagine for @Katie4Nathansykesx

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You were in the middle of probably the worst fight you've ever had with Nathan, your boyfriend of four years.

It began because Nathan had seen a photo of you hugging one of your guy-friends in a magazine, and things had gone from there.


He seemed to be a bit taken back by your explosion.


Oh no, he did not just bring that up.


And that's how things went on for at least another hour, just you two shouting at each other, determined to get your own way.

After a while you had just about had enough of it and started walking away from Nathan, in the direction of the front door.

"Where are you going?!" Nathan asked, calming down a bit down.

"Anywhere but here." You stated firmly, also calming down, then you slipped your Uggs on and disappeared out the door.

It was dark and windy outside, your long hair flew around and got really messy.

It was also very cold and you regretted not bringing a jacket.

Following the street-lights you began to walk in the direction of Kelsey's house, she always had good boyfriend advice for you.

You wrapped your bare arms around yourself and tried to preserve as much body heat as possible while speed-walking to Kelsey's.

Little did you know that Nathan had snuck out the house and been following you the entire time.

"Hey beautiful, turn around." You heard a deep rough voice from behind you and, thinking it was Nath, you foolishly turned around.

In a few quick seconds you had been tackled to the ground and dragged screaming into a nearby alleyway.

A tall man in a long dark coat was holding your wrists while you were trying to push him off of you.

"What are doing?" You hissed, trying to sound confident. However on the inside you were very afraid of this man.

"This..." He replied, he sounded strangely satisfied before he attacked your mouth with sloppy kisses.

You tried shouting for help but only muffled screams could be heard.

He broke the kiss and shoved you against a wall, by this point you were crying knowing what was coming next.

The stranger started to unbutton your jeans when a deep, and somewhat scary, voice rang out.


You and the man turned around to find a very angry (and very hot!) Nathan behind you!

You inwardly sighed with relief, but not before Nathan had punched the man in the face!

You gasped as your boyfriend had tackled the stranger to the ground and was repeatedly punching him until he passed out.

At that point Nathan turned around and pulled you into his arms where you gladly hugged him back, but what surprised you was that you hadn't noticed that you were shaking, either with fear or from the cold.

"I'm sorry." Nathan broke the silence, his voice was shaking slightly. "I should have given you a chance to explain and I should have known that you would never cheat on me and it's completely my fault that we hardly see each other anymore..."

You smiled in his arms while hearing endless apologies fly out of his mouth, you knew at this point that Nathan was really generally sorry and just didn't want you to cheat on him, which you wouldn't do of course.

You pulled away from Nathan and kissed him, it was a soft sweet kiss which showed him that he was forgiven and that you would love him through everything.

You broke out of the kiss and said to Nathan,

"I love you, thank you for saving me."


There's your imagine Katie!

I'm sorry it took so long, I had major writers block all week but I still hope you like it!

There might be a new SPECIAL Nathan Sykes imagine up tomorrow, if I get time to write it that is.

But anyway, back to reality! 😢

~ Lizzie 😘

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