Nathan Imagine for Cortney

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"NO!!!!!! IT WASNT SUPPOSED TO END LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!" You yelled, throwing your phone at the wall. SMASH! "Maybe that was a bad idea..." You mumbled stupidly to yourself.

You stayed silent for a moment then burst into tears, crying into your pillow on your bed.

A few minutes of crying later you began laughing as you were crying a fanfiction that wasn't even real!

(~ We all do this at some point though, right?! ~)

You were reading a fanfiction that you were really loving; it was all about The Wanted who were your idols, you especially liked Nathan though, but apparently the fanfiction writer didn't because she made the story end by Nathan getting hit by a bus and dying!!

You took this to heart a bit too much which is why you started crying. "I'm so stupid crying over something that isn't real!" You laughed/cried aloud to yourself, you spoke to yourself all the time because you lived alone.

"I don't think you're stupid..." A voice said from behind you.

You jumped and turned around to come face-to-face with the person you least expected to ever meet or even see.

Nathan Sykes.

Immediately you stopped crying and gawped at your idol who had somehow just appeared in your bedroom.

"Hi," Nathan said quietly, almost nervously.

From being a fan you knew he was a bit socially-awkward, and honestly you were too.

"Hi," You replied, wiping away your tears. "How did you get here?" You asked, but not before you noticed your iPhone lying on the ground with a badly cracked screen.

"I honestly have no idea. The last thing I remember was nearly being hit by a bus." Nathan smiled at you and you smiled back, wondering if it was possible that you might have just saved your idol's life.

"Okay, well would you like to stay here until we find a way to get you back where you belong?" You offered, secretly hoping he would say so that you could have out with your idol.

"Umm, if it's not too much trouble-" He began but you chipped in.

"No, no trouble at all!"

"Erm, well since there's not many other options, I would love to stay here." Nathan smiled at you and you returned it happily.

So that's how things began.

For the next few weeks Nathan stayed at your apartment while you both tried to figure out how he got here and how to get him back, although after getting to know your idol you really didn't want him to leave.

You also took your iPhone to an Apple shop and got the screen fixed.

"Nathan, I'm home!" You called into your apartment, just to find it empty. 'Maybe Nathan went out.' You thought, walking into to kitchen.

Surprisingly you found a handwritten note on the fridge door.

You pulled it off of the fridge, it was from Nathan.

It said in curly writing: 'Cortney. I am in the house but I really need to ask you something and I'm too scared to do it in person. So, here is the question: Will you go out with me?' Your heart leapt at that and a smile formed on your face. 'Please don't feel like you have to say yes, but whatever your answer is say it out loud and I will hear you. - Nathan x'

You were grinning creepily at the paper now and easily knew your answer.

You put the paper down on the kitchen and said loudly, nearly shouted, your answer. "Yes!!"

And surely enough Nathan came out from in the hallway and wrapped his arms around you.

"Thank you," He whispered in your ear.

And to this day you still didn't know why.



The prologue to my new fanfic is up!!! 🎉😄🎊

It's called 'Fallen' and its a Nathan one. 😍

So what are you waiting for? Go check it out now!

~ Lizzie 😘

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